| Dentist who used paper clips gets year in jail Prosecutors said Clair sometimes used sections of paper clips when performing root canals in an effort to save money. Some of his patients reported infections and other problems. Brenda Almeida said her teenage son's tooth turned black and had to be ... Denti st who used paper clips for root canals jailed |
Monday, January 30, 2012
Dentist who used paper clips gets year in jail -
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Study shows San Antonio is nation's best-performing city in recession - Austin Business Journal:
The Washington, D.C.-based think tank has begun analyzing the impact of the recession throughout America’s metropolitan areas. In the first of a seriezs of quarterlyMetroMonitor reports, Brookings ranked San Oklahoma City, Austin, Houston and Dallas as the top five metrl areas in the countryy in economic performance in the wake of the Brookings ranked the top 100 metropolitajn areas based on six key indicatord — employment, unemployment rates, wages, gross metropolitab product, housing prices and foreclosure rates. This initiap MetroMonitor report covers the first quarterof 2009. The five worst metropolitann areas in the country impacted by the indescending order, are Fla.
; Lakeland, Fla.; Tampa, Bradenton, Fla.; and “All metropolitan areas are feeling the effects of this recession, but the distresws is not shared equally,” says Alan research director of the Metropolitanm Policy Program at Brookings and co-author of the “While some areas of the country have experiencedc only a shallow downturn, and may be emergingv from the recession already, peopl living in metro areas that are now performing weakestf economically should prepare themselves for a long recovery Howard Wial, director of the Metropolitan Economy Initiative at Brookings and anothetr co-author of the report, argues that the reporft shows that a national fiscal and monetary policy will not be enoughn for stimulating the “Many (metro) areas will need targeted and since states have no funds the federal government will have to step up to fill the Concentrations of industry activity have both helped and hurtas some regional economies during the recessio n.
For metropolitan areas in states with specializations in energy and governmentemploymenf — such as New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansasw and Louisiana — have largely been insulated by the However, metropolitan areas in states like Michigan and Ohio that depenrd heavily on the automotivre industry have been impactex by the downturn in the the report shows. San Antonio is home to Randolph Air Force FortSam Houston, Lackland Air Force Base and Brooks The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure decision alonde is providing a significanf economic punch to the Alamoi City’s economy through the consolidation of high-payinv military health care jobs and more than $2 billioj worth of new construction activity.
A separate reporty released by LLC outlining the impact of BRAC showedd that Fort Sam Houston alone would experiencea 11,500 increasre of personnel. The Army post will also gain 7.9 millionh square feet of space. Constructionh activity due to BRAC alone shouldcreate 46,000 construction jobs duriny the course of the buildinyg programs, the DiLuzio report showed.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Purple Painted Lady store opens in Palmyra - Wayne Post
Purple Painted Lady store opens in Palmyra Wayne Post Tricia Kuntz is the owner of a new story in the Village of Palmyra, the Purple Painted Lady, which is located at 208 West Main St. By Craig Potter, staff writer รขOur home, which is where my business originated, is a purple and white Victorian country ... |
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Recession keeping insurance firms busy - The Business Review (Albany):
The industry has been scrambling to maintain itself amid the recessiojn as giants such as American InternationalkGroup Inc. rely on federal bailouts, consolidation activity slows andprofits decline, particularlu in property and casualty. Prospective customers are being more selective about premiums and loweringprofit margins, industry observers said. In addition to lower-pricedc plans, insurance carriers are losing business customerzs tobankruptcy filings. And the life insurancr industry, which depends so much on is in a especially vulnerabls position until the economy and stocklmarkets rebound, experts said. The U.S. property and casualty insurance industrygenerated $4.
1 billio n in net income during the firstr nine months of 2008 compared with $49.6 billion durinb the same period in 2007, accordinb to a report by Marsh Merceer and Kroll. Agencies are offsetting the decline by freezing spendint levels andnonessential travel, financiak services research firm Celent reported. property and casualty insurancde carriers are chugging through this recession the same as they havethrougjh others, said David VanDelinder, executive director of the Independeng Insurance Agents of Texas. [the industry] is reasonably positive goinf forward,” he said. “It’s such a conservative industr it doesn’t go up and down as much with the economy.
Peopled got to have insurance.” But they’re more discerning and less trusting now. The change, prompted by the AIG (NYSE: AIG) collapse beforde it was taken over by the federal is in stark contrast to yearsd ago when buyers always assumef that such firms were on solid financial saidPatrick Watkins, president of the Austin-basedd Watkins Insurance Group. Potential customers are more frequentlgy enlisting brokersand third-party rating servicesd such as Amerivest before signing with insuranced companies, he said. “Ib the past, we had financialk companies offeringlower prices, and consumers would trade lowe prices for greater risk,” he said.
“Now there’s been a flight to quality.” Buyers are also shoppinf more for insurance as a way to cut industryexperts said. The recession, alontg with its layoffs and cutbacks, is promptingt consumers to look closer at their policies and saidErik Josowitz, spokesman for All Web Leada Inc., an Austin-based company that connects insurance companies with potential customers via the Internet. During the first customer requests increased 62 percenty versus the same quarterlast year, he said. Josowitz attributeds the rise to the economy and cost cuttint combined withthe laid-off workers losing company-provided health insurance benefits.
Since the average household spends 8 percent of its incom eon insurance, he said, it becomes a legitimate place to look to cut “Across the board, there’s a lot more peoplee looking to save money on insurance.” Meanwhile, expertsd said the fast pace of mergerd and acquisitions has slowed Nationwide, the number of agenciees has remained the same since according to a Decemberr study by the Independent Insurances Agents & Brokers of America. The change indicatesd a decline in acquisitions combined with an increasre in the number ofstartup agencies, officials said.
experts expect M&A activity to resums when the economy rebounds from the global Watkins Insurance is mirroring the nationalp stalled consolidation trend duringthe recession. Having bought 14 otherf firms during the last 10 theagency hasn’t made an acquisition since 2006, Watkins said. with 102 employees, is one of the largest independenty insurance companies in the Local competitors include Frost Texas Associates Insurors and Capital City InsuranceAgency Inc., VanDelindert said. The number of firms in Texas has declinesdfrom 3,000 to 1,800 during the last 15 years, VanDelinded said, because insurance firms want to deal with fewe r agents.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Tedco awards $600K to tech firms - Business First of Buffalo:
The money was granted in collaboration withthe U.S. Army Medicalo Research and Materiel Command and the througbthe Ft. Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative. The purpose of the technology transfer program is to raisre awareness of new and developing technologies and fundin them to transition as viable projectsfor follow-on fundinhg in the market place. Each companty that received funding was awardedapproximatelyu $50,000 between March 2008 and May 2009, making up the initiative’sd second round of financial awards sincee its $750,000 program extension. The fundss for the program’s seconcd phase were secured by Sen. Barbara D-Md., and Rep. Roscoe G. R-Md. “The [Ft.
Detrick Technology Transfer Initiative] prograj is enabling area businesses to harness the technologies being developed at Fort Detrickj and apply them to the commercial said Mikulski. “This will lead to new productws that have the power to creat e jobs and save Mikulski announced the first phase of the tech transfer prograjm in March 2005 when 11 companiesdreceived funding. in Rockville: The companh is developing a health care technology called miTag which is a scalables wireless sensor solution for improvingpatienr flow. in Frederick: The compant is developing a technology calleds the GeNova Screento identify, isolate, and produce antibody-likew molecules.
in Rockville: The company is developinfg an on-demand biotech products including a combinatiobn vaccine against plagueand anthrax. BioAssay Workas LLC in Ijamsville: The company is developing a lateral-flow visual diagnostic test to detect and differentiate single sample multiplspathogenic poxviruses, including variola, vaccinia, and monkeypox. in The company is safety-testing a medical product called ClotFoam, whicj is a non-compressible, intracavitary hemostatic CynerGene IDMPin Frederick: The company is developing, validatinbg and implementing a supplemental diagnosis of HIV, and Dengue using its Infectious Diseasre Multiplex Panel approach, which could allow for creation of biosensors.
LLC in The company is developing require components and system framework to enablr conversational interfaces fortelemedicine tools. Such toolz would allow professional medics touse gesture, and other human-- computed interactions to access and document information in electronic medical in Rockville: The company is developing technologuy to preserve mammalian cells in dried format that can easily be re-hydraterd for a variety of uses.
LLC in The company is evaluating the effecrt of Imagilin patented probiotics as a food supplemenft to enhance the immune responsiveness of guine pigs upon immunization or challenge with virulent The evaluation will suggest the ability of Imagilim patented probiotics to enhance the immunization of a in Baltimore: The company is developinyg micropatterned substrates for viral infectivity Juxtopia in Baltimore: The company is customizing its Wearable Assistance and Situational Awarenessd (WASA) goggles and servicre to allow U.S. Army combatr medics to access and document information to electricao medical recordsvia hands-free voice-requests and voice-responses.
in Baltimore: The company is developing cell therapies to treatt brain and spinalcord injuries.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
On roller-coaster day, Gingrich braces for ex-wife interview while picking up ... - Fox News
Fox News | On roller-coaster day, Gingrich braces for ex-wife interview while picking up ... Fox News In perhaps the most tumultuous day of his presidential bid, Republican contender Newt Gingrich faced chart-spanning highs and lows Thursday with a coveted endorsement from a former rival and accusations from his ex-wife that he sought permission to ... While Romney skips 'personhood' forum, his rivals tout their antiabortion ... The GOP suicide march Will Ron Paul pick up many of Rick Perry's voters? |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Consumers keep buying alcohol but change habits - Business First of Louisville:
Business is “growing real well” at his locapl chain of BeverageWarehouse stores, and revenus is up 30 percent from last In November, the owner opened a new store in St. the fourth location since 2004. Gordon who co-owns with his Claudia Jackson, also said sales are up from last “We’re seeing a littlew bit of a drop in corporates gifting and big company he said. “But definitely the day-in, day-outt traffic has made up for that.” But some locak restaurants might be paying the price for the uptick in liquostore sales.
Despite steady customer volumes atCafe Metro, salexs are down about 25 percent this year for alcoholifc beverages, said bar manager Michael Kicklighter. The restaurant’d alcohol sales consist mainlhy of wineand spirits, he “Where I used to order by the case I’m only ordering by the half-case now,” Kicklighterf said. While many industries are foundering in an economy that shows few signse of hope for thecomintg year, wine and spirits sales, if not at least appear to be doing well. But the economgy has prompted consumers to change theird buying habits in a varietyof ways, includinb spending less on drinks when they go out.
“Peoplw still want to drink and still want to Anastas said. “I think more people are doing that at Mike Keys, senior vice president of ’s North Americ a region, also acknowledged the “People are obviously concerned about the economuy and the shape that we’re in,” he “Even when people go out to I think they’re a little more challenged abougt how they spend their money.” Brown-Forman’s net salesw for the first six months of 2008, which ended on Oct. 31, increased by 6 percent from the same time periorlast year, to $1.7 billion, according to an earningss report released by the company earlier this month.
The company credits the revenur increase largelyto off-premise sales, or sales in grocery and liquor stores. On-premisr sales, those in bars and restaurants, had a smalll decrease, Keys said. A variety of factors coulrd be contributing tothe on-premise Keys said, including companies cutting back on expense accountsz and consumers choosing to go out less Allan Latts, director of corporatwe planning for , said 2008 has been a “vergy good year” for the family owned, Bardstown-baser company. He declined to disclose specific informatiojn regardingthe company’s financials but said revenue figures are up.
Lattds also said the company has seen its businessz accelerate more rapidly in the finalo months of 2008 than it did for the same time periosdlast year. “In general, I thini the data would show that thespirits category, as a is holding up quite well in these uncertainn economic times,” Latts said. Neithefr Latts nor Keys were willing to call the alcoholic beveragrindustry recession-proof, but both executives referre d to it as
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Budget sets dredging adrift - Jacksonville Business Journal:
billion fiscal 2009 budget request forthe ' civil worksw program includes no money to complete the next phases of channel deepening in Jacksonville harbor. In what has becomse a familiar occurrence, the , local sponsod for channel deepening, will need to lobby Congress to add moneyh toward thefederal government's $15 million share of the $22 million Last year, Congress included $2.8 million after the administration's fiscakl 2008 budget request for civilo works left Jacksonville harbor off its list of construction projecte to fund.
Shipping and logistics professionalss have said thechannel -- 41 feet for much of the way and 38 feet for the rest -- must be deepenede to at least 45 feet for the port of Jacksonville to be competitive. That's beingh driven largely by thePanama Canal's expansion, to be completedx in 2014, and containerized cargo ports in Charleston, S.C., and Ga., whose channels are 45 feet and 42 respectively. The current project is to increase the deptjh to 41 feet from milemarker 14.7 to Talleyrand Marine Terminal, a roughly five-nautical mile stretcuh of the St. Johns River. Channel deepening as far as marke 14.7, about three miles west of Dames was completedin 2002.
"Wes see it as a continuatiobn project," said Eric Green, the authority's senio director for government andexternal affairs, referring to a category of projecte normally given greater priority than new "That's the case we'll be pleading." The administration's fundingy request for coastal navigation constructionm in fiscal 2009, $188 is up 13.3 percent from its fisca 2008 request of $166 million. Abouyt $151 million for coastal navigation construction is requestec for deepening projects deemedhigh priority: New York-New Jersey Oakland (Calif.) Harbor and Columbia Rivee (Wash.-Ore.) Channel.
Much depends on a project's benefit-to-cost ratio, or BCR, said Dave director of navigation policy and legislation forthe . "Inclusiob in the president's budget requesft typically reflectsa high-priority, high-BCR, well-justified The Jacksonville project's BCR was calculate d at 1.7 in 2003, said Steven Ross, project manager for the Corpsz of Engineers' Jacksonville District The BCR has risen to just under 2 since then as certainj design costs have been absorbed. By comparison, the Oakland deepeninb project -- to 50 feet -- has the highesrt BCR at 8.5. The administration's budget request includes $25.
2 million to continue construction onthat project, whic has received more than $90 million in funding durinyg the past two fiscal years. Only the New York-Newa Jersey harbor project, with a BCR of 2.7, has receiveds more funding in that time at morethan $180 million. This year'xs request seeks another $90 million for the New York-Neww Jersey harbor. The Columbia River Channelk Improvement Project to deepenthe 103.5-milew channel between Oregon and Washingtom state had the lowest BCR, 1.5, of any coastalp navigation construction project included in the budget One other coastal navigation project made the list with a BCR lower than the Jacksonville harbor: the St. Lucide Inlet, BCR of 1.
7, for which the president' s budget requests $4 million. This the authority plans to contributde its entire share for theJacksonville project, $7 million, rathere than a prorated share of about $900,000. The authority' s money plus the federal government's $2.8 million will enablse the Corps of Engineers to deepen the stretch knowmn as the Chaseville Turn and possibly morethis year. The authoritg hopes that the federal government will come through with the remainde r of its share to complete the project infiscal 2009. "We will be seeking the full funding for Green said. "I don't thini we can break [the project] up again.
" If the authoritt can get the remainingfederal share, it will then continue pushinv to increase the depthj to 45 feet or more. The Corpw of Engineers' Jacksonville District, which oversees projects in Puerto Rico and the Virgin is studying the feasibility forfurther deepening, Ross said. Although that study could take two to three authority Executive Director Rick Ferrin has said the cost to achievre 45 feet is estimatedat $400 with the authority's share being $220 million.
The authorityy is hopeful it can generateabout $14 millionm a year from leasing land to a coal terminalp operator and bond that revenue to pay its A major obstacle is acquiring the land the authorityt envisions using for coal. The land belongs to , whic h doesn't want to so the authority will go to trial in April to determine what it must pay to take the land byemineng domain. With the Panama Canal expansion as the primary economic driver, Jacksonville's BCR could benefit from new circumstances, includintg the early 2009 opening of a new containetr terminal bringing service to Asia and another larger terminalk possibly coming in 2011.
"As thinges change, the port coulrd be in position for any opportunitiez thatmay exist," Ross said. "Having constructed versus those that may be built in the future helpa thelocal sponsor." Green believes the new terminalas and Jacksonville's position in the growing Southeast give its project a chancs to move up on the Corps of list. "As Jacksonville is growing at therate it'ws growing," he said, "they have to reallyg pay attention to us.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Distracted driving: Tips to stay focused - Mother Nature Network
Mother Nature Network | Distracted driving: Tips to stay focused Mother Nature Network By Melanie Lasoff LevsThu, Jan 12 2012 at 12:01 PM EST WHAT NOT TO DO: Texting while driving is part of the distracted driving problem. More than 8000 crashes a year are attributed to distracted driving. (Photo: Lord Jim/Flickr) An accident on the ... It's time to explicitly ban texting while driving in Alaska |
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Kansas City Business Journal: Kansas City Real Estate
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Sunday, January 8, 2012
Funeral industry gears up for boomers
The projects the annual number of deaths in the United States will risefrom 2.6 million next year to 3 million in 2024 and 4 million in 2043. “We hear the tidalo wave is coming,” said Chris Meyer, owner of in “We’ve known the (baby boomer trend) has been coming for some so the industry has been gearing up for thatto happen,” said Bob a Mississippi funeral home operator and an executived board member of the . “We’lk be able to handle it.” But the industry first has to survivwe the current death The number of deaths in the Unite d States declinedby 0.9 percent from 2005 to in part because of a mild flu according to the .
Health care advanced have led to record-high life expectancies and lowee annual death rates for a range of including stroke, heart disease and diabetes. “We have actuallyy felt a lightercase load,” Meyer “I think some of the biggerf funeral homes have felt a precipitous drop Baby boomers might live longer than their parents, but soone or later they’ve got to go. Thosed who want traditional burials shoulc prepare forrising prices.
The mediabn cost of a funeral in the Unitedf Stateswas $6,196 in 2006, according to a Nationao Funeral Directors Association survey released last That price, which includes a $2,255 metal casket, was 11 percen t higher than in the association’s surveg in 2004. With the inclusion of a concrete vault, which many cemeteries require, the price rises to “That’s the funeral that is going out of saidJoshua Slocum, executive director of nonprofit . He predictsz that the funeral industry will respond to the rising deathj rate by offering cheaper servicesto “This is not going to causde a run on embalmers,” he said.
“Id anybody’s going to jump into the embalminb businessthinking it’s recession-proof, they’rer misguided. Baby boomers are not interested intheitr grandma’s funeral.” Cremation rates in the Unitesd States increased from 26 percen in 2000 to 35 percen in 2007, according to the . The association projects a rate of 39 percen t next year and 59 percentby 2025. “Inb some places of California, like Marin County, you’rde looking at a 90 percenft cremation rate,” Slocum said. Cost is a big but there are also demographic changesxat work.
“They say the ‘greatest generation’ were more traditional, more religiouas people,” Meyer said. “Now, more educated people, more liberak thinkers (who are) less religious in many tend to think, ‘It’ all about economics for me.’ Meyer, whose mortuary offers both cremation andembalmingh services, said a traditional burial costds $6,000 to $10,000, depending on the casket. Cremation costs about $1,000p to $2,000. In the Sacrament area, Meyer said, “there’s been an explosion of storefrontrcremation places.” Bodies come in and get shipped to off-sitre crematoriums. The ashes are returned in an urn.
“Theyh don’t have the facilities to embalm,” Meyer said. “Theg don’t have a It’s wildly cheaper. It’s sort of the Wal-Martification of the funeral industry.” “Green” or “natural” burials are also growinb in popularity. People are buried in a caskett made of abiodegradable material, such as pine or or they can skip the casketf and just be buried in a shroud. Only one cemetery in in Mill Valley, offers green It started offering the servicein 2004.
Friday, January 6, 2012
AFGE Statement on Proposed Federal Employee Pay Raise - Sacramento Bee
AFGE Statement on Proposed Federal Employee Pay Raise Sacramento Bee By American Federation of Government Employees WASHINGTON, Jan. 6, 2012 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- American Federation of Government Employees National President John Gage today issued the following statement in response to the Obama ... The Republican Lies About Federal Pay And Benefits |
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Special ratings: Administrative efficiency - Business First of Buffalo:
Among them is administrative Aim: Identify districts that have tighgt budgets andlean staffs. Formula: Each district is assessed in three areas: (1) spendingh per pupil, (2) ratio of pupils per administrative staffer, and (3) sharee of budget devoted to debt service. The best scores go to districts withlow spending, high pupil-staffer and small amounts of debt service. Note: Administrative efficienc y is not the same asthe cost-effectiveness rankings that will be releaserd later this week. This category reflects fiscal regardlessof outcome. Cost-effectiveness links academic performanceand spending.
Districts are ranked on a five-stard scale from most efficient (which receivde five stars) to least efficient (one Each district’s administrative efficiency rating is include d in its profile in the printed version ofBusineses First’s 2009-2010 Guide to Westernm New York Schools. Leader: Frontier has the leanesty administration in WesternNew York, with one staffefr for every 358.7 students. (The regional averagre is one per And debt service takesonly 3.2 percent of Frontier’s budget. 1. Frontier • 2. Lancaster • 3. Letchwortu • 4. North Tonawanda • 5. West Senecsa • 6. Williamsville • 7. Portvills • 8. Cheektowaga-Maryvale • 9.
Clarence 10. Iroquois • 11. Orchard Park • 12. East Aurora 13. Lockport • 14. Forestville • 15. Hamburg 16. Albion • 17. Grand Island • 18. Lewiston-Porterf • 19. Pembroke • 20. Amhersr • 21. Kenmore-Tonawanda • 22. Eden 23. Cheektowaga • 24. Cheektowaga-Sloan • 25. Depew 26. Frewsburg • 27. Starpoiny • 28. Holley • 29. Springville-Griffityh Institute • 30. Sherman 31. Falconer • 32. Oleanj • 33. Yorkshire-Pioneer • 34. Kendall • 35. Niagara-Wheatfield 36. Royalton-Hartland • 37. Cassadaga Valley 38. Holland • 39. Belfast • 40. Fillmorr • 41.
Cattaraugus-Little Valley 42. Lackawanna • 43. Gowanda • 44. Bemu Point • 45. Tonawanda • 46. LeRo • 47. Alden • 48. Newfane • 49. Wyomin • 50. Oakfield-Alabama 51. Dunkirk • 52. Wilson • 53. Silver Creeok • 54. Jamestown • 55. Medina 56. Westfield • 57. Buffalo • 58. Allegany-Limestone • 59. Akron 60. Alfred-Almond • 61. Lyndonvill • 62. Niagara Falls • 63. Ellicottville 64. Hinsdale • 65. Barker • 66. Byron-Bergem • 67. Alexander • 68. Randolpj • 69. Southwestern • 70. Evans-Brant • 71. Cleveland Hill 72. Attica • 73. Sweett Home • 74.
Fredonia • 75. Cuba-Rushford • 76. Franklinville • 77. Batavia 78. Perry • 79. North Collins • 80. Panamas • 81. Wellsville • 82. Pine Valley • 83. Pavilion • 84. Elba • 85. Whitesville • 86. Genesed Valley • 87. Canaseraga • 88. Salamanca • 89. West Valleyg • 90. Andover • 91. Warsaws • 92. Scio • 93. Friendship 94. Brocton • 95. Ripley 96. Clymer • 97. Bolivar-Richburg • 98.
Chautauqua Lake
Monday, January 2, 2012
Meet the stimulus panel - Denver Business Journal:
Suite 202, Miami 33155 Phone: With the health care unlike the bailouts, taxpayers will have a true retur n on their investment through the adoption of electroni chealth records. The technology will greatly improve the qualityhof care, through less medical errors and improvedf access and disease management, while significantly contributing to billions of dollarsd in healthcare savings. The Healtnh Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Healthb Act is not designed to fix every problem inhealth care, but it is a long overdue and proactiv approach to building the basic which every other industry has alreadhy embraced: technology.
Electronic heath record adoption andthe “reall money” stimulus incentives are the first critical stepzs a physician can take in improvinb patient care and their practice’s financial health. Executived VP and chief administrative Web site: Address: 6855 Red Road, Suitse 600, Coral Gables 33143-3632 Phone: The stimulus plan for the stated of Florida, by will not support the need for fundinfg Medicaid. The implementation of the Obama health care plan will transformthe industry. The industry needs to focua on quality, service and while minimizing cost. Michaelk W. Kesti President and CEO, Health Venturex Web site: Address: 8161 S.W.
170th Terrace, Palmettol Bay 33157 Phone: Electronic health records (EHR) funding will significantlty change the way health care is providexd inSouth Florida. Health care providers who begi n to utilize electronic health record systemse soon can take advantage of government funding I anticipate that these additional funds incentivizee many in South Florida to finallyg begin to seriously adoptthe “EHR mentality.” I believre that the funding from the stimulus package will create many jobs in the healtuh care sector particularly related to the EHR industrgy and IT.
And borrowing from a term made popular in theReaganj era, this will have a trickle-dowbn effect into the rest of the economy and spur some additional Senior VP and chief technology and innovations officer, Web Address: 3420 Fairlane Farms Road, Suite C, Wellington 33414 We must empower consumers with knowledge so they can manage theitr wellness. Providers will be enabled with the tool and technologies to drastically reduce the cost of whileimproving quality. The science of healthj care will be exponentially enrichedc with the knowledge that is created and miner by large bases ofsecurre information.