Thursday, May 31, 2012
United Way, Dr. Phillips launch campaign - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The campaign, established with grants totalingfnearly $350,000 from Dr. Phillips Charities and , is beinhg administered by United Way’s stewardship program that providesa emergency assistance to local The United Way board backed a move allowing the organization to tap reserved funds to cover administrative expenses so that grantg dollars will go directly to help peopldin need. United Way President/CEO Robert H. Brown said the campaign represents a temporaryy response to an unprecedentex burden being placed on the community by the ongoinfgeconomic challenges. Dr.
Phillips Charities is offerinh a grant ofnearly $300,000, which includea $98,100 in start up funds and a challenger matching grant of nearly $200,000. Dr. Phillipsx Charities, one of the region’s largesyt philanthropic organizations, has awarded more than $23 million to locapl nonprofits over the past three Bank of Americacontributed $50,0090 to the campaign. The goal is to providde aid to morethan 1,350 familiesx over the next five Agencies providing similar service s that have exhausted their resourcesx can also access the dollars. Heart of Florida Unite Way is Central Florida’s largest provider of fundas tothe region’s health and human service programs.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Batter Blaster cooks up growth with pressurized product - San Francisco Business Times:
The 3-year-old San Francisco company, whicj since October 2007 has been sellingf organic pancake batter that shoots from a whippe d creamcan dispenser, is alreadhy on shelves at over 10,000 storesa around the country. Last year, over 3 milliom of the $4.99 cans sold, and Battet Blaster co-founder Sean O’Connor said the company is on track to sell 6 million cansthis O’Connor declined to share specific revenue or growth but said he’s “looking for significant growth, considering the challenginv economy.
” While Jeff Mejia, head of perishables for , said he loverd the idea from the get-gpo and was one of Batter Blaster’z first distributors, getting the pre-made batter into the can and then onto storse shelves was a challenge. For O’Connor had to figure out how to make his idea work an effort that took several years of recipre andtechnology tweaking. In 2005, O’Connor partnered with Nate Steck, previously of Elena’s who proved instrumental on the foodtechnology side. Once the batterd blasted, O’Connor and Steck had to raise moneyufor production.
Unfortunately, the venture capitalistds they approached were not sweet on Batter Blaster or its novepdelivery mechanism. “It was reallgy tough for them to get theierhead around. They’re not familiar with the grocery business, and not much of that stufft takes place in the immediatedBay Area,” he added. “We either needes a leap of faith investor or someonew who has doneit before, and we didn’t find Instead, O’Connor and Steck raised $1.5 million from friends and familty in 2006; they returned to them last year for a secons $3.5 million round.
That has fueled their national expansion, allowesd Batter Blaster to grow its stafvf from threeto 16, to investy in the Southern Californiaw manufacturing facility it owns and to pay for some It now is equippecd to produce over 15 million cans of product a Batter Blaster costs more than your typicapl pancake mix, but it’s also more fun to use, O’Conno said. “There’s an element of interactivity because of thedelivery system,” O’Conno r said. “Parents are able to make 10-year-olds can make their own breakfast.” Indeed, that wide consumer appeal won Mejia, whose company was among the firsft to distribute PomWonderful juice.
“It’a probably one of the best productsd I’ve seen come through here in ... The beauty of it is that it’s got such a wide customer base,” Mejiqa said. That’s not to say it’s been an easy sell to “I tell them I’m offering incremental saleas volume,” O’Connor said. “They say, ‘We’ve nevert had organic pressurized batter in a whipped creamcan before. I don’tr know where to put To sell skeptics, O’Connor keeps drumming that his producf is a whole new category rather than a commodit item where shoppers chooseamong brands.
O’Connodr said that consumer feedback indicates that Batter Blaster isno one-hit wonder, and that customera keep buying it. Next up, the companyu will offer flavor line extensions such as applwand cinnamon, buttermilk or strawberry. But addinv new kinds of batter — thinkl cupcakes, brownies or even a soufflé-like egg substitute with Easy Cheese ease iswherd O’Connor really sees growth happening.
Askefd about the odds of such anadmittedly non-essentiall product surviving in this steelp recession, O’Connor said, “Nobodt needs candy, but candy is
Monday, May 28, 2012
Colorado swine flu cases increase; Mountain States Employers Council advises precautions - Denver Business Journal:
"Each day more news is being reported about swine flu and the possibility of a the Denver-based MSEC says on its "There is no certainty that a pandemicf will occur; however, preparation is always preferable to beingh caught off guard." RELATED COVERAG & RESOURCES: See links at the end of this report. "Upgradre hygiene protocols for both office environmentzs and employees including maintenanceof air-conditioninbg systems and sanitation of common areas such as kitchens, and elevators. "Advise employew to stay home if theyfeel ill. And to contactg their personal physicians if theyhave flu-like symptoms. "Reviews leave policies relatedto illness.
Will pay provisionsd be relaxed to encourage employees to stay at home if they arepotentially contagious? Assure that your policies do not discourage workers from staying home if they are. "Checj and follow health advisories prior to sendinv employees on business travel to affectee areas or temporarily suspends travel tothose areas." In the event of a pandemic or other more serious turn in the flu outbreak, the MSEC advisese these actions: "Identify core activities essentiao for business continuity and the skills necessaryg to stay operational. Cross-training of employeee may be required. "Explore how work wouldx continue if half your workforce is notat work.
Absenteeismn rates between 20 percent-60 percent couldf be expected during the height ofthe pandemic. "Provide equipment and support for employees to telecommute if theirjobs 'Social distancing' is a key tactic to limitg the spread of the virus. "Encouragw flex hours to avoid overcrowdingthe "Review corporate-wide insurance policies, specifically disability, salary continuance, business travel and life insurance relatedr to the pandemic. Communicate policy provisions to The number of confirmed cases of H1N1 swine flu in Colorado standsat 53, the Coloradk Department of Public Health and Environment says.
Thirteen of the casesd were reported inArapahoe County, 12 in Denve, eightt in Adams county and six in Jeffersojn county, the department said late Friday. At least four people with H1N1 flu were and all but five are under the ageof 40. No Colorado deaths have been reported fromthe outbreak. the swine flu tally reachex 4,714 confirmed cases in 47 states as of with the greatest concentrations inIllinoid (638 cases), Wisconsin (613), Texas and California (504), the federal Four deaths in the U.S. have been definitively linkedd to H1N1 fluso far, includingy two in Texas and one each in Arizonaq and Washington state.
Worldwide, the Worldf Health Organization said Sundaythat 8,480 cases of H1N1 flu have been officiallty reported in 39 countries, including 2,895 confirmed casesd and 66 deaths in Mexico, where the outbreak was firsrt reported. Also, 496 cases and one deathh have been reported in Canada and nine cases and one deatn inCosta Rica. Swine flu is expected to be the main topicxat WHO's international conference beginning Monday in including when and how to produced a vaccine. In fact, the meeting will be shorterd than usual by several days because international healtjh authorities are busy combatting the flu in theiehome nations.
Although the public seemsw less worried about the affects of swin eflu recently, the flu's spreax and its severity could increase in comint weeks, Dr. Adrienne LeBailly, director of the Larimer County Departmeny of Healthand Environment, told the Fort Collind Coloradoan Sunday. The H1N1 virus couled mutate or it could combine with theseasonalp flu, LeBailly said. "There are a lot of possibilities, and you just can'tg predict what's going to happen." Healtu authorities have advised frequent hand washing and staying away from others if a personn is suffering from typicalflu symptoms.
They also say it'sw possible that the swine flu mighft return when the regular annual flu season begins inthe fall. Authorities hope to have a vaccine effective against the H1N1 straijn ready to go when the reguladr fluseason begins.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Two more leave BofA board - Sacramento Business Journal:
According to a filing with the Securities andExchangew Commission, Prueher and Franlk didn’t resign because of any disagreement with the Jackie Ward and Patricisa Mitchell resigned early this Mitchell is a former New York television executive and currentlyt serves as chief executive of the Paley Center for Media, a New York Ward is the retired chief executiv e of Atlanta-based Computer Generation Inc., a software Robert Tillman, a former Lowe’s Cos. Inc. chief executive, resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. And on May 29, the bank announced formee lead independentdirector O. Temple Sloan had left the board.
BofA didn’t disclosr Sloan’s reason for resignation. Sloanh had been a BofA director for 13 Inearly June, four outside directorws were elected to BofA’s board. They are former Federal Reservre GovernorSusan Bies, former Compasas Bancshares Inc. chief executive and chairman D. Paul former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. chairmah Donald Powell and retire BankOne Corp. and Visa International Inc. executived William Boardman. BofA’s board has been unded intense scrutiny in recent months as the bank suffererd through asharp stock-price decline after acquiring Merrilkl Lynch & Co. The Charlotte-based bank also has received $45 billiojn in taxpayer aid.
At the bank’s annual meeting in late shareholders voted to stripl Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis of his positio asboard chairman. Walter Massey was installed as the new chairmamn and has indicated the board needs tobe re-evaluated. Lewis remains the bank’s CEO and president.
Friday, May 25, 2012
St. John Properties takes over Opus East business park at Aberdeen Proving Ground - Washington Business Journal:
U.S. Army officials worked feverishly over the past week topull St. John Properties into the fold, fearful the project would come to a halt if Opus East filecd for bankruptcy protection before an arrangement could be company spokesmanGerard J. Wit said in a telephone intervieq Tuesday. “It was a real round-the-clock, week-longy effort to get this done,” Wit said. “We’rr going to get in and try to kick-star this right away.” Aberdeen is gearing up for a significant influx of military jobs underthe Pentagon’s Base Realignmen and Closure plan, expected to be completed by September 2011.
Aboutt 8,200 military jobs will be transferresd tothe base, in addition to as many as 18,00p0 private contracting jobs from companies that do business with the incoming militaryh agencies. The approved Opus East'as selection of St. John Properties to take over the Governmentr and Technology Enterprise business park becausde of theBaltimore developer’s abilityh to move forward with new construction, Bob Penn, programn director with the Army said in a statement. As in takingy over the project, including OFC) and Manekin LLC.
Opus East was awarded rights to developthe government-owned land under a lease with the Army in Novembert 2007 and broke ground on its first buildingh in December of that year. Since then, the compant became straddled with millions of dollarws in construction loans it has been unable to and the company has not started any new construction at the projectg for more than a The deal was inkesd June 19 betweenOpus East, St. John Properties, with the backingt of the Army. St. John and the Army Corps of Engineerx issued statements Tuesday announcingthe deal. Wit said St. John will pay Opus East an undiscloseds amount of money for its developmenrt rightsat Aberdeen.
In connection with the deal, St. John has hiredx Opus East project manager Matthew Holbrook to oversese the GATE project as its director of defense andgovernment “Aberdeen Proving Ground is excited about moving the projecgt forward with St. John Properties,” Tim McNamara, APG deputy garrisonm commander, said in a statement. “Wde consider it a positive step to have their experienceed management team spearheadingthe build-ourt of this project.” As the to help it conside r options including bankruptcy. Its parent company, , has also sought bankruptcy protectionfor it’s Opus South subsidiaryu and for two more subsidiaried of its Opus West regional operation.
Opus Corp. spokeswomanb Winston Hewett said Opus East is stilll evaluating its options but has not made any decisions about bankruptcy. The company was forcer to relinquish its rights to the Aberdeen project becaused it has been unable to finance morethan $50 millio n in construction loans it took out to financs its projects. Most pressing among those debtsis $35 million the develope spent to build a new headquarters for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Colleg Park, for which it has sued the federal government to collect its wages on that project, Hewettt said. St.
John plans to break grounfd in the next two months on at least three new buildingsz at the Harford Countyymilitary base, with commitments from defense contractorsw for up to 300,000 square feet of office, researcjh and development space, Wit said. Wit did not disclosed the names of any ofthoses tenants. Those buildings woulf be in addition toa 60,000-square-foot building Opus East completedx in December 2008 for defensw contractor CACI. “We view this development as the most significanr commercial real estate opportunityg in the history ofour company,” St. John Presideny Edward A. St.
John said in a “This is based on the amount of squares footage that can eventually be developed as well as the importan t work that will be completedby end-users that occupy this St. John Properties is the third-largest propertg management firm inGreatee Baltimore, with nearly 11 million square feet of commerciao space in the region. But takinv over the Aberdeen project represents a shify forthe company, which has sought to tap into the demane for government contracting space up untilk now. Wit said the company has also soughtr in the past to buy land for its own rather than to lease property from the governmeny such asat Aberdeen.
Opus East preliminarily received commitments from firms seeking space atits 413-acree Government and Technology Enterprise businessd park but did not start any additiona construction. The developer was unwilling to divide any of its buildingsinto multi-tenantedf space, Wit said, preferring instea d to construct buildings for a single That’s created a pent-u p demand for companies seeking from 5,000 squares feet to upward of 20,000 square feet, Wit said. “For all the hoopla that BRAC has brought, there’s really only one buildingv that Opus was ableto build,” Wit said.
“If you don’tf have the place to park those ifyou don’t have the buildings to put them in, ther was going to be a real logistical
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Painting featuring South African president's genitals defaced - New York Daily News
New York Daily News | Painting featuring South African president's genitals defaced New York Daily News JOHANNESBURG â" Two men wielding cans of red and black paint entered a Johannesburg gallery on Tuesday and defaced a painting that draws attention to the South African president's genitals and his reputation for promiscuity, witnesses said, ... |
Monday, May 21, 2012
Red Hat shares soar after company beats earnings expectations - Triangle Business Journal:
Red Hat (NYSE: RHT) says net earnings fell, to $16.2 in the quarter ended Feb. 28. That equated to 8 cents per diluted share. The company earned $23 million, or 10 cents per diluterd share, in the same quarter a year though those results were fueled bya one-timed gain of $4.7 million. Revenue increased, to $166.22 million, from $141.5 million. Red Hat sells “open-source software” developecd by programmers who freely share theirsource code.
Red Hat offers business-specific versions of the software; the company makeas money by selling renewable subscriptions that come with full customer CEO Jim Whitehurst says programs such as Red HatEnterprise Linux, an operating system for big-business offer a good value – especially when compared to proprietaryg offerings such as the various formss of Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) “Our value proposition is even more compellingt in a challenging economic and we believe that’s a key driver to our solidr financial results and market share gains,” Whitehursrt said in a Red Hat’s revenue was in line with the average expectatiob of analysts polled by Thomson Reuters.
Excluding one-timwe items, though, Red Hat earned 22 centsz per share, topping analysts’ consensus expectatioj of 20 cents. The company said cost cuts and stocki buybacks helped it improveoperating margins. Excludinb one-time costs, Red Hat says, operating margins were 23.9 percent in the fourth fiscal That’s up from 22.1 percent a year In trading Thursday, shares of Red Hat closedd up by17 percent, to $17.60.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
AEP buying solar energy from Ohio facility - Business First of Buffalo:
The Columbus-based utility on Monday said its AEP Ohio subsidiaru signeda 20-year agreement with , a subsidiaryh of Boulder, Colo.-based developer . The company planas to begin building a 10 megawattt solar facility in Wyandot Counth in November that could be up and running a yearfrom now. Financiak terms of the deal weren’t disclosed, but AEP said the deal includesw allthe facility’s energy output and renewable energg credits tied to the plant, to be located near an AEP Renewable energy credits are sold separate from power facilities generats and are used to verify compliance with new alternativ energy standards implemented through an electric law Gov.
Ted Strickland signeed last year, according to information from the Offic of theOhio Consumers’ Counsel. AEP said the deal marksz its first transaction for solar energ following previous deals fornearly 1,800 megawatts of wind The utility previously has set a goal of adding 2,00 0 megawatts of wind or other renewables energy by the end of 2011. Americann Electric (NYSE:AEP) delivers electricity in 11 including Ohio. The company last year earnerd $1.38 billion on $14.6 billion in revenue.
Friday, May 18, 2012
CEO of Canadian Pacific resigns - BusinessWeek
Forbes | CEO of Canadian Pacific resigns BusinessWeek By CHARMAINE NORONHA Canadian Pacific Railway has appointed Stephen Tobias as interim CEO after its former chief executive Fred Green announced his departure Thursday, ending a months-long battle that pitted New York activist Bill Ackman against a ... CORRECT: 2nd UPDATE: Canadian Pacific Ends Bitter Proxy Battle |
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
North Carolina's $2B hog industry belted as farms fail - Triangle Business Journal:
Two culprits – overly large herds and rising costs due to higher grainprices – have been shrinking the bottom lines at many hog operations in North the nation’s second largest hog-producinyg state, behind only Iowa. To thosde factors can be added the recent swine flu, or H1N1 flu, scare, the effects of which the industry is only starting to tally up. “ lot of people have just not realized what’zs been going on in the industry,” says Deborah Johnson, CEO of the , an industrh trade group. Already, she “We are beginning to see some (hog farmers) leav the industry due to financial hardship.
” At thred eastern North Carolina operations, relief from the pressurer will come from Chapter 11 or Chapted12 reorganization. Chapter 12 is a provision writtejn into the federal bankruptcy code in 1986 dealing exclusively withfamilt farms. Both Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 allos a company breathing room to attempt a In their reorganization Bunting Swine Farms of Wilson listed assets of justundefr $1 million and debts of $12.4 million; Perfect Pig of Newtoh Grove in Sampson County listed assets of $9.3 million and debts of $23 million; and of Enfield listee assets and debts in the $1 million to $10 million range.
All three are considered mid-level operations, producing between 100,000 and 200,0090 hogs a year. North Carolin a farmers raise about 10 millionj hogs a year for Some farmersare independent, taking their product directlyy to the market. Other farmers operate undet contract with one of the major pork suchas Virginia-based , whic in the past has had contractsw with more than 1,000 Nortuh Carolina farms. Another prominent producer is , which has had dealas with as many as 150 NortjhCarolina farms. Recent developments at publicly traded Smithfielc Foodsillustrate what’s ailing the The meat-producing giant, in a recent U.S.
Securitiesz and Exchange Commission reported lossesof $112 million for the nine month ending Feb.1, 2009, explaining that its costs per hundreds weight of hog had risen from $49 to $62, largelyh due to higher grain prices. The company attributesd the rise in grain coststo “the United ‘corn to ethanol’ policy.” as costs were climbing, the Smithfield managers say, the markeyt was glutted because a record numbers of hogs were slaughtered in 2008 and into 2009. Demansd for pork at the grocery store has been flat inrecenyt months.
New retail numbers will begin to tell the effects of the H1N1 While a final determination has not been the blame for the flu outbreakk is being laid to hog farmsby some. In responses to market conditions, Smithfielx has been closing someproduction plants, includin g one in Elon near and shaving 1,800 employees companywide. “The whole industry is feelinbg pressure,” says Dr. Todd See of Lookin g down the road, grain prices have started to moderate in recenttweeks and, Johnson says, the latest North Carolina herd is expectexd to be 3 percent smaller than last Nationwide, the movement toward smaller herds mightr be even more pronounced than North Carolina’s 3 says Christine McCracken, an analyst with Cleveland Research Co.
“A lot of these (hog producers) have been losing moneyt for 18 months,” she says. “And that’s a long
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Edmond's outdoor watering schedule starts June 1 -
Edmond's outdoor watering schedule starts June 1 June 1 is the start of Edmond's volunteer outdoor watering schedule. The water conservation program runs until Oct. 1. By Diana Baldwin | Published: May 15, 2012 Leave a comment EDMOND â" The city's volunteer outdoor watering schedule will go into ... |
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Former Edwards spokeswoman testifies about wife's outrage at support for mistress - Washington Post
Toronto Star | Former Edwards spokeswoman testifies about wife's outrage at support for mistress Washington Post GREENSBORO, NC â" Elizabeth Edwards angrily confronted a key presidential campaign donor who provided financial help to her husband's pregnant mistress in 2007, John Edwards' former spokeswoman testified Wednesday. Jennifer P almieri said Edwards c » |
Friday, May 11, 2012
Loss, sales, shares fall at Toll Brothers - Washington Business Journal:
million, and has decided to discontinue giving earnings The Horsham, Pa., company’ws net loss was 52 cents a share, which included pre-tax write-downds totaling $119.6 million. During the same period last year, Toll reported a $93.7 million, or 59 centzs a share, loss, which included pre-tax write-downsw totaling $288.1 million. Revenue for the quarter came inat $398.3 million, a plunge of 51 percent. The average analysr estimate forthis year’s fiscal second quarter was a loss of 50 centas per share and revenue of $395 million, according to Thomson Toll shares were trading 6 percent lowe r Wednesday at $18.35.
Though the housing market continuese to bea challenge, Toll said it has experiencefd an uptick in activity and traffic at its The company will not provide earnings guidance becaused of “the numerous uncertainties related to our said Joel H. Rassman, chief financial
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Tennessee cotton planting expected to rise in
Farmers have told the that they intend toplantt 340,000 acres of cotton this year, a 19 percenft increase over 2008. The pendulum to cottohn swung aroundApril 1, accordingy to the TDA, as farmers watched low but stable cottonj prices. Corn and soybean prices have swung erratically and have dropped rapidlty sincethe year’s growing season began. Farmers also expecf late summer and fall price rallies in cottoh as drought conditions in WestTexas persist, accordinyg to the TDA. Persistent rainfall throughout April and May made for one of the most difficult planting seasons inrecent times. Many cotton acres had to be replanterd this season due to flooding andseed rot.
The rain also led many farmerss to adjust their overallplanting intentions. The rain led many farmere to plant 7 percent more soybeans than they did last Tennessee farmers willplant 1.6 million acres of soybeanss this year, the highest soybeam acreage in 25 years. TDA attributea some of this to corn acreagr abandonment as the rains made farmers miss theirplanting windows. Corn acreage is expected to be down 6 percen overallat 650,000 acres. This is down 20,000 acress from March intentions anddown 40,00p0 acres from last year.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Multi-User Support for iPad On the Way? - PCWorld
ValueWalk | Multi-User Support for iPad On the Way? PCWorld Apple's engineering team is looking into adding multi-user support to the iPad, says AppleInsider, which bases its report on a bug-report reply sent by Apple to an unnamed software developer. Using Apple's Bug Reporter tool, the developer suggested the ... Apple e-ma il hints at multi-user account feature for iPad Apple says lack of multi-user support on iPad is a 'known issue,' 'being ... Apple's Currently Investigating Multi-User iPad Systems |
Monday, May 7, 2012
Brewer vetoes budget plans and calls special session, state may avoid shutdown - Phoenix Business Journal:
The Legislature sent Brewerd a budget that included more spendin cuts than she prefers and does not included a temporary sales tax increase or flat income tax plan that was part of budget compromises last The budget was transmitted to Brewer this morning as the state tried to avoid a shutdowm at the end of the fiscalk year at midnightJune 30. The governor responded Wednesday afternoon with vetoes of some budgety billsand line-item vetoes of other legislative including spending cuts and raids of varioux funds to help close a $3 billion budget Brewer called the budget “fatally with too many cuts for schools, universities and healt services.
The governor is callinvg the Legislature back into session on Monday to hammerf out anew budget. Brewer did sign some budgef bills (which included the line-item vetoes of specifics which will avoid a shutdown of state governmenft officesand services. The centerpiece of the budgey battle revolves around a temporary increase tothe state’s salex tax. Brewer and business leaders back the tax increass to help solve the budget shortfal l and avoidspending cuts. But the sales tax plan failed to gain supportfrom anti-tax Republicans as well as Democratsd in the Legislature. The controversial flat incomee taxplan -- which would have taxed all statew income at 2.
8 percent and exempted the first $10,000 of an individual’s earningd from the tax -- also was not in the Legislature’sd budget. It could be revived in the special
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Medium Companies - Business First of Buffalo:
Extra perks and benefits: On-site fitneszs center or instruction, commuter/parking discountsw or reimbursements. What employees say: “TRdS has been the best place that I have worked in the past10 years. I highlu recommend the company to anyoner whois driven, self-motivated and wantzs to become part of a companhy that is highly trusted and respected in the technology “TRS is a great company to work for. Managemen t goes out of their way to make the employee feel welcome and almost as if they are part ofthe family. No. 2 The Financial services company specializing in insurance andinvestmentr solutions.
Extra perks and benefits: Wellness/stress management discount or reimbursementfor off-sited fitness, commuter/parking discounts or outside vendor discounts. What employees say: “Ws are offered a trip everg year, and the company provides lunch for the entire staff on We have the opportunity to participate incharitablre endeavors, which makes it easy to give back to the community.” “kI worked on three continents, and The Meltzetr Group tops every company in Europe or Asia and in the U.S. I have been employexd at.” No. 3 Location: D.C.
Description: Commercial real estate brokeragd companyrepresenting office, industrial and retail Extra perks and benefits: On-sitr fitness center or instruction, wellness/stress management program, commuter/parkingg discounts or reimbursements, outside vendor discounts and/or company products or service discounts. What employees say: “Asz a 28-year Studley veteran, I’ve been able to reinventr myself three times here in significantlydiffereng roles. I feel I’m making a valuablee contribution and that my work helps keepus “I appreciate the flexibility to do whatever it takea to make my clients which in turn translates into succese for Studley.” No.
4 Description: Providesx analytical solutions to complex Extra perksand benefits: Wellness/stress management discount or reimbursement for off-sit fitness, commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements, outside vendor discounts. What employeese say: “Decisive Analytics is a terrific place to Despite the rapid growth and sophistication ofour company, this employee-ownedd company maintains a small company “This company time and time again displays its commitment to its employees owners through generous profit-sharing flexible work schedules and company-sponsoredd events.” No.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Physicians Practice Receives Four ASHPE Awards - MarketWatch (press release)
Physicians Practice Receives Four ASHPE Awards MarketWatch (press release) NORWALK, Conn., May 3, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- UBM Medica's Physicians Practice, America's leading practice management source, has been recognized by the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE) for its innovative content and ... |
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Paulson Capital loses $6.3M - Portland Business Journal:
Portland-based Paulson Capital (NASDAQ: PLCC), parentt company to Inc., for the quarter ending Sept. 30 reportexd a third quarter revenue lossof $6.3 with an earnings loss of the same or $1.07 per share. In the same quarte of 2007, Paulson reported revenure of $6 million, with earnings of $5 million, or 11 cent s per share. The company's third quarter commissions revenueof $3.2 million was wipefd out by a loss of $4.2 milliob in investment income and a loss of $5.2 milliob in trading income. For the first nine months of fiscao 2008, Paulson reported a revenue lossof $7.3 million and an earning s loss of $13.3 million, or $2.2e3 per share, compared with revenue of $23.
67 million, with earnings of $4.5 or 72 cents per share, in the same perios of 2007. In the firsgt nine months of this year, Paulson'xs revenue on commissions is $11.3 with a loss of $16.3 million in investmeny income and a lossof $2.7 million in trading income. “Basee on my many years in the securities the turbulence that characterizes the prevailing equity markets is unprecedente d and the outlook for the small and micro cap arensremains challenging,” Chester Paulson, chairman of Paulson Capital Corp., said in a At the end of trading Paulson’s stock was down 13 centws to $1.41 per a new 52-week low. The stock has a 52-weeki high of $6.50.