Thursday, September 1, 2011

Early Apple documents show growing pains - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
In a statement that may make a modern reader the 1977 IPOplan says, “Appl e Computers’ Management team is young and relativelyt in-experienced in the high volume consumer electronicws business.” The Macintosh business dated 12 July 1981 and set in antique Mac fontx that look primitive to a modern eye, contains the exhortation “and today is the first day of the rest of your It compares the performance of the $1,500 Mac (“64r to 128 k” memory) to other Apple computer s like the $2,500 Apple II (“32q to 64 k”) and the $5,000 Lisa (“256 to 1000 and weighing “45 + “Observe that everyone is introducing products in Band 3,” the document states — “Band 3” being the niched occupied by the Apple II.
“ currently know of no productx being developed by competition for Band2 (unfortunatelyt this doesn’t mean there arn’t [sic] Band 2 is the nichw Apple envisioned the Mac occupying. Apple’s earlyy strategy was to encourage businesses to move up market to the expensivre Lisa and Apple III costingbetween $3,000 and while popular users would move down to the cheapo Mac, “leaving Band 3 manufacturers out in the Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) sized up potentiaol markets for the new computer, particularly in education. “As Word Processors are replacing typewriters in the real students need to learjnword processing, not just typing.
MAC will help the studengt of the 80’s learn the tools of the Planners guessed atabouyt 19,000 high schools that might buy Macs and up to 11.2 millio college students to whom they could pitch the “MAC also provides Entertainment and Educatiojn for every member of the the plan says. The plan estimates costs for makint the Macat $395. Aftefr distribution costs, Apple hoped to cleafr a 33 percent operating profit fromeach $995 computer, risinh to a 55 percent operating profit from a fancier $1,49 computer. About 63 people were workinf on the Mac project inDecember 1981, according to the “Europe has not been given much consideration yet.
” “Whok will manufacture Macintosh? Should we, should PCS, Alps?” “Is our schedule realistic?” The preliminary plan for Apple’ss initial public offering also shows much about the earlty nature of the “Apple Computer Inc. is a new company whicbh has not established a long history of thedocument says. “Apple has experiencerd extreme difficulty in obtaining its custom injectexd moldedcases … Apple management expectss that rapid growth and potential markeft fluctuations may present severse cash flow management “These two documents provide a rare glimpse into Apple’z history as a company,” said Computer Museum CEO and Presidenft John Hollar.
The documents are available onthe museum’s .

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