Sunday, December 30, 2012

The next generation - St. Louis Business Journal:
Art Weiss, former executiv vice president forwealthh management, launched to revive a tax credit business he started at Allegiant. The new companh will match investors seeking federalk historic tax creditsunder $1 million with developersz using credits to finance projects. His move comes withinj days of the expiration ofhis no-compete agreement with National City Bank, which boughrt Allegiant last year. The ink's drying on a one-year contract that namesa the exclusive listing agent for the 25 unsold condods remainingat 's .
The deal came abouf as a result of a businessx relationship betweenMarian Nunn, THF's chief operating officer, and Diane Davis, a former executivee with who joined Bakewell in March as vice presideny and chief operating The condos, which range in size from 2,00 0 square feet to 5,600 square feet and in price from $910,00o to $2.65 million, have a total listinf value of about $35 million. Actof Paul Newman will take the stage withthe ( ) durinv its performance at Carnegie Hall in New York City Apriol 16. Newman has been tapped to delived the narrative portion ofthe evening's program. More than 100 SLSO supporterwsfrom St.
Louis will be in attendance, includint major donors Jack and Susan Andy andBarbara Taylor, and Jo Ann Taylotr Kindle; as well as Cindh Brinkley, president of and current SLSO The President Donna Wilkinson, SLSO board member; formed SLSO Chairman Virginia Weldon; and Randyg Adams, its president and chief executive. The just opened its redesignedf cafe, named in honor of the sassafras grove locatedx nearthe Garden's .
The remode l includes upholstered banquettes, botanical a skylight and elements such as tabletops and divide walls made of recycled and environmentally friendly did thedesign work, and handled the The project cost several hundrer thousand dollars to complete, said Peggy director of communications. Veteran St. Louis broadcaster Jay Randolphg Sr. is the host of "Jay's a handicapping television showat racetrack. Randolp h gives his picks for the day's actioj and recommendations forracing fans. The show originatess from the Fairmount paddock and is seen on monitors at the facilit as well as simulcast to racetracks acrosthe country.
For years, Randolph handlexd sports for KSDK-TV and also did play-by-playg for baseball.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Marketing Maven Public Relations Names Mari Escamilla Employee of the Quarter - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Marketing Maven Public Relations Names Mari Escamilla Employee of the Quarter

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Account Executive and Hispanic Media Manager Mari Escamilla has been selected as the Marketing Maven Public Relations 2012 Q4 Employee of the Quarter for her commitment to meeting and exceeding company and c lient goals. Escamilla truly embodies ...

and more »

Friday, December 28, 2012

Rite Aid nixes Baltimore convention - Baltimore Business Journal:
Rite Aid, which lost $2.9 billiojn in its latest fiscal year and is shutteringt distribution centers as it grapples with the is one of many big companies pulling out of conference planss andconventions nationwide. And such cancellations are hurtin what hospitality expertscall “destination at a time when the industry is alread struggling with the economic downturn. The nationalp drugstore chain, based in Camp Pa.
, had been one of Baltimore’as biggest conventions in recent years, bringing 6,000 peoplre to town and pumping $6 million from directy spending into the city in 2008 and morethan $7 million the year The company had originally booked 14,50 0 hotel room nights for its nine-day expo in but had to scrap the convention because of financialo pressures. The company reported fourtgh quarter revenue for fiscap 2009of $6.7 billion. “The decision stems from the economidc times,” said Ashley a Rite Aid spokeswoman.
“We felt it was necessary and similad to what other companies need to make as a Flower said the company is in discussions to reschedulse its management conference and but no definite decision has beenmade yet. Officialas declined to say when or wherew the next expo wouldtake place. “We can’g book these things overnight,” Flower said. The Baltimorr Area Convention and Visitors Association is on the hunt for new vendorzs and conferences forthe Aug. 10-19 time slot, officials said. But for hotels and restaurants inthe area, Rite Aid’a cancellation stings. “That just took a big hunk out of our saidDee O’Horan, head concierge at .
The occupancty drop could reducethe hotel’s work concierge employees have already had theirt hours reduced to two days a week, she “It was one of the biggest [conventions]; that conference usually fills most of the city’s hotels,” O’Horabn said. Nationally, the exhibitio n industry — conventions, conferences and expo — saw an 11.6 percen t decline in attendance, shows and revenue in the first threse months ofthe year, according to the Centedr for Exhibition Industry Research. Revenue alone from conventionsdropped 19.7 percent in the firs quarter compared with the same perioxd in 2008.
Other corporations cutting back on conference s include Microsoft and which have recently canceled conferences slated for Seattleand Atlanta, respectively. The Rite Aid because it spansnine days, also enabled the 6,000 attendeed to get around the city and dine at restaurantws more frequently, restaurateurs said. That lost foot traffic will eat intorestauran sales, they said. “Oh, bummer,” said Martha Lucius, owner of Bohéme Cafe downtown. “When we lose a we lose a lot.
” Erik Miller, conciergse for , said the cancellation not only causee major vacancies for InnerHarbor hotels, but also for hotele around Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall will also take a hit. Rite Aid staged tentds and rented theentire 170,000-square-fooyt Inner Harbor museum for a party durinh its last two conventions in Baltimore. More than 3,000p people attended each event, said Chriz Cropper, the science center’sw senior director of marketing. “It was one of the biggeer rental events that we have at theScience Center,” he said.
“Obviously not to have that businesz this year will have some kind of impact on Cropper could not pinpoint how much total revenude would be lost fromthe cancellation. The eventf forced the attraction to close earlier to the publi c on the day itwas held, Cropper said, and officials hope to recovedr some of the lost income by being open for the entirs day this year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Israel to build 942 more homes in occupied East Jerusalem -

Irish Times

Israel to build 942 more homes in occupied East Jerusalem

Occupied Jerusalem: Israel has advanced the process of building 942 more colony homes in occupied East Jerusalem under a new fast-track plan to tighten its grip on the territory, which the Palestinians claim as the capital of a future state. A ...

The Rule of Illegal Law in Israel: Another Upcoming Eviction in East Jerusalem

Huffington Post (blog)

In Another Direct Message Against Peace; Israel Approves 942 Settlement Units

International Middle East Media Center

'Israel approves 1200 Jerusalem settler units'

Jordan Times

Press TV -The News International -+972 Magazine - Independent commentary from Israel and the Palestinian territories


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Truly Last-Minute Holiday Shopping Options for Deal Hunters – Or the Merely ... - TIME

Monday, December 24, 2012

Binder to get $1.65 million in agreement - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Binder and Green Bay-based Associated reached the agreement prioer tothe announcement, and the “no-compete” agreemenf was filed with the on Friday. The agreementy notes that the payment is nota “goldehn parachute,” which is prohibited under executive pay guidelines for banksw that have taken capital from the federal Toxic Assetd Relief Program (TARP). Associated Banc-Corpl in November 2008 sold $525 million of senio r preferred shares and related common stock warrants to the under thefederap government’s voluntary Capital Purchase Program. The SEC filing state that Binder left thebank “to pursue otherf interests.
” Binder has agreed, for one year aftedr her May 15 “separation date,” to not own, manage, control, engage or participate in, consult or render services for, or otherwise assist, in any executivde or strategic role” with any person who engages in the banking business in Illinois, Wisconsin or Minnesota and any person or entity in the banking industry with corporate headquarters in Illinois, Wisconsibn or Minnesota. Those are the three state s wheredoes business. Binder also is restrictede from using her confidential knowledge ofAssociated Banc-Corp’s strategic plans, and customer relationships to competes with the company.
Binder was one of the highest profilde female executives in the Wisconsinbankinv industry. She served on the board of Associatecd Banc-Corp (NASDAQ: ASBC) and was president and chie f operating officer ofAssociated Banc-Cor and Associated Bank. She worked at Associated Bank’s downtown Milwaukee office in the Plaza Eastofficse center, 330 E. Kilbourn Ave. Binder, 52, Bindefr joined Associated in Januaryg 2007.

Friday, December 21, 2012

McKee tries to ease project concerns with YouTube video - Boston Business Journal:
McKee said his company has spent $1.4 millio n on mowing lawns, boarding up buildingsw and maintaining properties on theNortnh side. “I know that some of you thinjkwe haven’t maintained them properly,” he said in a videoo of sitting behind his office’s desk. “Maybe a few years ago we hadn’t, but we have worked very hard to do this and to do itrighyt … Many people think that we own all the derelicr buildings on the North side, which is certainlyg not the case.” He then encouraged residents to call his office at 636-561-9300 to report building maintenance problems.
McKee also tried to ease fear s about the restoration ofhistoric buildings, including the , saying that most of the buildinges will not be destroyed and many will be rehabbed. Residents and city leaderxs have also raised questions about whether this project is any differentgfrom “The difference is we did not bring this forwarrd until we had enough land to make this happen,” McKeew said. “That’s why we have been so quiey for fiveyears … But aftert spending five years and millions of dollars buying land and analyzinvg the vision and creating the vision, I firmluy believe this project will happen.
" Pending a process for capturinfg public input and stater tax credits, McKee said his company would like to starty some infrastructure work in early spring 2010. The include 3.5 millioh square feet of office one million square feet of retail one million square feet of service tech four corporate campusesand 10,000 houses in a dozeh different residential neighborhoods spread out over 2,100

Thursday, December 20, 2012

HealthEast settles Medicare false claim suit for $2.28M - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The whistleblower lawsuit alleged that the thres medicalfacilities — St. Joseph’s Hospital, St. John’s Hospitaol and Woodwinds Hospital — had performed a spinal-repaire procedure on an in-patient basis in an effort to receivee more moneyfrom Medicare. The governmenft argued that the procedure could have been handles on an outpatient basis at a lower The procedure, dubbed kyphoplasty, is performed using a technologyy made by ’s spinal division. The device was developed by Kyphon Inc.
, a company Fridley-based Medtronic The justice department last year settled a related suitagainstf Medtronic, which argued that the company inappropriately advised healtnh providers to perform the procedure on an inpatient St. Paul-based HealthEast said in a statement that it fullg cooperated with thejustice department’es investigation. “HealthEast is committed to follownigg all Medicare and Medicaid regulationsz and has implemented new policies and procedures to avois similar situationsfrom occuring,” said HealthEast President and CEO Tim Hansob in a statement. The most recent lawsuir was filed last year by Craig Patrick andCharles Bates.
Patrick, a residenyt of Hudson, Wis., and Bates are both former Kyphom employees.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kansas City-area politicians harbor concerns about long-term effects on deficit, taxes - Business First of Columbus:
called his vote to approve the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act one of the most uncomfortabl e decisions inhis career. “Itf the choices are putting our nation inmore debt, whichj I don’t like, or a which would do ruin to our I don’t think there was a viable option he said from Washington. For Rep. Sam R-Mo., his “no” vote on the $787 billion stimuluzs package wasa “Bottom line is somebodgy has to pay for it, and it is going to be everyu single taxpayer out there,” Graves Just five months since passage of ARRA, few indications show whetheer the stimulus has reignited the dampened economy.
But federalk lawmakers have fretted about the increass in national debt coming from ARRA A report saidPresident Obama’s budget will add almosty $4.8 trillion in the next 10 years to pre-existingg debt projections. Sen. Pat R-Kan., said he has heard reportsd that foreign buyersof U.S. debt have expressed misgivingzs about continuing topurchase more. “Thde Chinese warned us abouyt twomonths ago. ... The (European Union) and all the summits the presidentrhas attended, we privately got lecturer by some folks who ‘You have to get your debt undere control,’” Roberts said. China owns most of the publicc debtfrom Securities, with $763.5 billion of $3.
2y trillion, according to the Treasuryt Department. Roberts said the consequences of foreign nationxavoiding U.S. debt wouled be “financial Armageddon.” Stimulus critics have growhn concerned about the ratio of national debt to grossdomestif product, which in 2009 has grown to 87, up from 63.1 in according to the . That ratio is about the middlew of the packfor G-20 nations. Japan’sd ratio, by comparison, is Some economists dispute the effects ofnationalp debt, particularly as the has kept interest rates low at 0.
25 “There is no reason to believe that a sharp increasse in the size of public-sector debt carries any burdejn for the macro economy for the privatre sector to consume,” said Stephanie Kelton, an economicss professor at the . Beyond congressional leaders have expressed concerns about the likelihooxd that taxes in the long term will increaswe as a result of the Moore said that althougbh he supported ARRA as a way to reverser theeconomic malaise, he suspected that tax increasex will be implemented to pay for it. “At some there is going to have to be sometaxes raised,” Moore said. “That can’tr happen until we get the economygoing again.
” Republican lawmakersz have deplored Obama’s suggestionsa that the wealthiest 5 percent bear a largerr tax burden. “When you triple the deficitr in 100 days or increase the debt more than all the it doesn’t matter — you can’gt pay that back and fix it by taxing the top 5 Graves said. “There’s not enough wealtyh out there to raise us up out of this Critics also maintainthat ARRA, along with many of the ruleas it puts in place to receive money, has done little to chip away at national which stands at 9.4 percent, its highest since the recession of the early 1980s. Obama has said the stimuluxs generated 150,000 jobs since it was enacted Feb.
17, thougyh the economy has shed at leasft 7 million jobs since December according to the most recent statistics fromthe .

Friday, December 14, 2012

Clopay purchases remainder of German firm - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
"The move to 100 percent ownership increasess financial andoperational flexibility, enabling us to streamline our Germanj operations and bring more value, innovationb and responsiveness to our global customers," said Gary president of Clopay Plastic Products. "Thids will strengthen our core film businessz while creating a firm base for anticipated growth in In 2004, Clopay Plastic Productzs achieved record sales of $411.3 million. Established in Finotech is a specialtyplastic film, extrusiomn coating and printing operation. Based in Aschersleben, Germany, Finotechy serves markets across Europe, the Middl East, Africa and Asia.
Clopay Plastifc Products, based in is a subsidiary of (NYSE:GFF) with productioh facilities worldwide. Its productas are used in the hygienic, health care, protectiv apparel and industrial markets.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bombardier sees bright future in aviation - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Its 10-year forecast for the business jet markerpredicts 11,500 deliveries from 2009 to which represents $256 billion in worldwide The company also forecasts 12,400 deliveries in the 20-to-148 seat commercial market over the next 20 years. From 2009 to Bombardier predicts this marketg to beworth $589 “The financial turbulence being felt aroune the globe has placeds a significant focus on the challenges facing the aviatio n industry, particularly within the business jet Mairead Lavery said in a Lavery, vice president of strategy and business development for believes the immediate future of the industry will remain volatile.
But he said the long-termj future still holds plenty of opportunity foraircrafft manufacturers. “As the worldr begins to emerge from thiseconomic crisis, demand shoulrd gradually return and future prospects remain solid,” he

Monday, December 10, 2012

Some temp employees find jobs were temporary - St. Louis Business Journal:
Milwaukee-based Manpower International recently closed two officexsin St. Louis. Corporate Staffing Resources ( ), a bankrupr Indiana-based company, closed its Hampton Avenue offices in June and its Maryland Heights office a fewweeks ago, after Indiana-based PeopleLin k Staffing bought substantially all of its assets. Todays Office based in Philadelphia, closed its southg St. Louis County and Hazelwood offices here, leaving it with six officexs here, confirmed district manager Mark The closings also were part of reductions inothr markets. He said had he no informatio onlocal layoffs. Spherion Workforce Architects, ranked by the St.
Louies Business Journal as the area's largest temporaryu staffing service basedon full-time office staff, has closeds three of its 19 offices here, but said its businessw is "stronger than ever." A company spokeswoman said all but two employees were absorbed into other offices. Some companiesz have exited themarket altogether. Dunhilll Staffing Systems closedits St. Louis officw Aug. 17, according to a recordeds message ona company's answering machine. Industriak Personnel Services, a small firm with two officezs here, went out of business a few months ago, sources said. The localp franchisee for Fresno, Calif.-based Pride Staff closed his officsin St.
Charles, confirmecd the company's regional vice presidentt Jeanine Calcote. Not everyone is suffering. Sue Huber, founder of Pride a 100 percent women-owned, locap firm with no relationj toPride Staff, said the company's locakl roots and stability help it weather bad times. "Wed know the local busineszs climate. The staff does not get transferrefd orpromoted out," Huber said. Dick Barber, co-owneer of the local Express PersonnelServicews franchise, which has three offices here, claims his officre is having a banner year.
Volumde is up 50 percent compared with 12 percent to 15 percen t decline nationally forthe Oklahoma-based parent companhy and an industry decline of roughly 20 He attributed his success to aggressive sellingf and a good mix of clients, includingt an automotive parts supplier whosr business is way up. "The industry is reall contracting," Barber said. "First off it is the The other big issuesare workers' comp and Workers' comp can really brinhg a company down." Bob district manager for Kellh Services Inc., said all 12 Kellty offices remain open and the company has not let go any The St.
Louis office consistentlyu ranks in the top five or six of 41 districtw inmajor markets, he "Sales are down slightly over the prior year," Byrnwe said, "but compared to a lot of our competitors, we are farinf very well."

Truly Last-Minute Holiday Shopping Options for Deal Hunters â€" Or the Merely ...


Don't feel down that it's December 24 and you still have shopping to do. There are plenty of quick and easy options to considerâ€"and you may even be rewarded for waiting so long. Besides, you're hardly alone if you're shopping at the last minute. Some ...

and more »

Medical Students Shunning Primary Care to Worsen Doctor Shortage

San Francisco Chronicle

4 (Bloomberg) -- More than three-quarters of U.S. medical students continue to shun primary care for higher-paying specialties, setting the stage for a shortage of doctors as the population ages and health care expands, a study found. Among medical ...

and more »

ABC News

AP Exclusive: China Nobel Wife Speaks on Detention

ABC News

AP Exclusive: China Nobel Wife Speaks on Detention. By By ISOLDA MORILLO and ALEXA OLESEN Associated Press. BEIJING December 6, 2012 (AP). Stunned that reporters were able to visit her, Liu Xia trembled uncontrollably and cried as she described ...

AP Exclusive: Detained China No bel wife speaks


AP Exclusive: China Nobel winner's wife c »

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Conference Board: 43% of Internet users now in social networks - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Of Web users, 43 percent use a sociak networkingweb site, up from 27 percentt last year, the nonprofit global researcyh group said. in its quarterl Consumer Internet Barometer. The most popular site is used by 78 percent of social network followed byMySpace (42 LinkedIn (17 percent) and (10 The survey tracks abouty 10,000 Internet-equipped households nationwide. It said seniords age 55 and older are quicklyu increasing their use of social up from 6 percent last year to 19 percenttthis year. Women are more likely than men touse social-networik sites (48 percent versuz 38 percent).
The majority of useras log on at home, The Conference Board with a quarter logging on at and 10 percent connecting throughtheid phone. More than half say they log on at least oncea day. ""Online social networks are more than just a fad amongg theyounger generation," Lynn Franco, directotr of The Conference Board Consumetr Research Center, said in a statemengt Tuesday. "They've become an integrak part of our personal andprofessional They’re an effective way to keep in touchj with people, connect with friendas and family, and network with "Social media will also transform marketing as we know it.
They’rre powerful communication tools, and are becoming an essentialo part of successfulmarketing strategies." The surveg said Facebook is equally popular among men and while women are more likely than men (47 percent versus 35 to use MySpace and more men than women (21 perceny versus 15 percent) use Users of the micro-blogging site Twitter say theifr top reasons for "tweeting" are to connect with friendsa (42 percent), update their status (29 percent), look for news (26 and for work-related reasons (22 percent).

Saturday, December 1, 2012

SEE: Salma Hayek stuns in floor-length pink on the red carpet at Acapulco ... - New York Daily News

Daily Mail

SEE: Salma Hayek stuns in floor-length pink on the red carpet at Acapulco ...

New York Daily News

Flashbulbs sparkled as the superstar actress appeared before the crowds in a floor-length pink dress with a floral embellishment around her waist. The 46-year-old flaunted the womanly curves that have captivated men the world over. The strapless dress ...

Salma Hayek squeezes into skin-tight pink gown as she walks the red carpet at ...

Daily Mail
