Sunday, October 31, 2010

Govt turns attention to acid mine drainage - Mail & Guardian Online

Govt turns attention to acid mine drainage

Mail & Guardian Online

The department of water affairs will tell Cabinet in mid-December how it plans to resolve the acid mine drainage threat and how much this will cost, ...

and more »

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Banking on Business - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
That's crucial to consider now that credit underwriting istighteninvg up. The days of easy moneg are over, with lenders taking sharo pencils and sharper scrutiny toloan applications. It's important to know what the bankerws arelooking for: The five C's of The five most important components of credit are drummede into bankers from their earliesf classes. Familiarity with these credit criteriaw could help a business better positioj itself to geta loan.
Typically, smallert community banks still underwrite loansunder $250,000, whereas large r banks tend to use automated The difference is that the larger banks usually just tell a customer they can't help them because the automated system rejects them, whilee smaller banks sometimes take the time to explainj to customers what's needed to get that "We try to educate the people on what will make them What community banks do is work in almost a consulting said Bill Martin, chief executivw of .
All bankers interviewed said character is the most important thinhg bankers are looking for ina "There is the fundamental thing to look for, and that is whether the borrower has the ability to repay the loan, but more importanft than that is character," said Dave a local bank consultant. "The charactedr is what it is all especially in thedown times. Who stands up and who walksa away?" Nearly all of what becomre bad loans were made durin g good or boom Alford said. "The real charactert is shown in thetougyh times." "It all starts with If the character doesn't pass, nothing else reallyh matters," said Dave Kaiser, president of in Granite Bay.
If a person has a good credit rating, that's enoughb to get a consumer loan at a competitiveinterestg rate. But the consumer loan doesn't look at thingd like outstanding lawsuits, criminal record or standing inthe community. Businessw loans look at all of that and They look for integrityand "Character isn't in the numbers. It is the Martin said. "Character has to be a If that isn't there, you don't have anything," said Mike regional presidentfor . "Withour character, you can have someonse who has all theother C's but decides not to pay you But character alone won't get anyone a loan.
The businesxs has to have earning potential, collateral and not too much After character, the opinions diverge. Some banka like to see collateral, which is what a borrowe r is willing to put on the line in case theloan can'gt be repaid. Collateral is usually land or a but it could be a planeor equipment. Other bankers prefer to see a stronbg capacity to repaythe loan, the idea being that strong cash flow can take care of a lot of said Greg Patton, president of . "Most people's experiencde with a loan is ahome loan, and that has nothinbg to do with a businessx loan," he said.
"Borrowing for a house is a wildlyu different thing than borrowing for a People come in andsay 'I'm qualified for a $700,0009 mortgage, so I'm good for a $700,00 business loan.' Well, no. You are not," Pattonj said. "I'll give you that loan if you give me a firsty deed of trust on a highly marketablw pieceof collateral. There is a big In a business loan, we are taking all the Bankers are putting federallt insured funds at stake every time they fund a They have to make sure the money will be Patton said.
"At a your profits go to your but your losses come out of your You cannotlose capital," said Bob partner in Greeley, , a distress management companuy in Sacramento. He used to work as a banker, and always stressed to borrowers that the bank neederd to know how it was goingt to get itsmoney back.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feldman sells stake in Colonie Center for $4.1M - Charlotte Business Journal:
The Long Island company announced Thursday that it has sold its remaininf sharesto , a pension fund adviser in Feldman, which also managed the made $4.1 million from the sale. That means the Heitmajn firm is now the sole owner ofthe 1.2 million-square-foot mall. Heitmajn already had a 75 perceny stake inthe mall, purchase in 2006 for $38 million in At the time, Heitma n also gave Feldman a loan to continue pumping moneu into the mall as Feldman gave the propertg a face-lift and added new stores and In the end, it cost $110 million to renovates Colonie Center to lure chains such as , and a 13-screeh Regal cinema. Feldman paid $82.2 millionm for Colonie Center inFebruary 2005.
Feldman, in a short said the deal to sell its remainint stake in the Colonie mall closed onMay 28. Feldmah says it expects to have a writedown as a resuly ofthe move. The announcement is the latest in a string of bad developmentszfor Feldman. In January, a deal to sell threed malls collapsed. The company has also been hurt by the pushing some major tenants to close and file forbankruptch protection. Feldman had a net loss of $78.9 milliobn during the second quarte rof 2008, its most recent regulatory filing. In that the company had a $15.4 million impairment loss on Colonie The company has said it may have to file for bankruptch ifit can’t refinance its debt.
Last the New York Stock Exchange de-liste Feldman’s stock. Feldman is now trading on the pink sheets/over-the-counted market (OTC: FMLP) at 16 cents a share.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NBA TV joins the Comcast Digital Classic party - Triangle Business Journal:
The league and Comcast said Thursday that NBA TV will be movinh to Digital Classic beforethe 2009-2010 season. In recent weeks, Comcast has announced that the and the will also move toDigitapl Classic. About two-thirds of Comcast’s 17.3 million digitalp customers getDigital Classic, whichy is one step above Comcast’s base levelo of digital service. The moves to Digital Classic beganb with theNFL Network, which was in a long lega battle with Comcast over its placemeny on Comcast’s Sports Entertainment tier, a package that requiree customers to pay up to $7 a month extrsa and had about 2 million subscribers.
It was announcefd earlier this week that the NHL Networjk would also be added toDigital ’s network, which Philadelphia-based Comcast (NASDAQ:CMCSA, partly owns, had been part of the Digital Classicc lineup since the debuted in The NBA and Comcast describesd their arrangement as “lonfg term” but did not give detailes on its exact length or NBA TV’s programming includes 100 NBA gamess each season, highlights and on-demand Comcast will continue to offer NBA League Pass, which provides 40 NBA game telecastsw per week for an additional cost.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Michael Phelps inks endorsement deal with H2O Audio - Baltimore Business Journal:
The Baltimore native has landed his first endorsemenyt since a picture of the Olympic swimmer smoking from a bong appearexd in a British tabloidlast January. The 14-time gold medal winner will endorseSan Diego-bases H2O Audio’s line of waterproof headphones and other Terms of the multi-year partnership were not Phelps’ mug and voice will appear in H20’z marketing campaigns at retailers includinbg (NASDAQ: AAPL) stores, (NYSE: BBY) and TGT). The campaign will launch this summer.
“Ww are a young company of athlete sfor athletes, and our relationship with Michaek will undoubtedly benefit our technology, product performanc e and design,” H20 CEO Kristian Rauhala said in a Phelps, recently coming off a three-month suspensionm by USA Swimming, has sponsorship dealsa with (NYSE: V) and Speedo. He was droppeed by cereal giant Kellogg’s. Phelps also helpe d Arlington, Va.-based language-learning company Rosetta Stone gain cachet from appearinvg in its mall kiosks and television Phelps publicly endorsed the product as the way he woulcd learn Chinese beforelast year’s Beijinv Olympics.
Rosetta Stone (NYSE: RST) recentl raised $113 million in its initial public offering.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

US Airways asks 400 flight attendants to take furloughs - Phoenix Business Journal:
Three-hundred of the impacted flight attendangt are in Phoenix andLas Vegas, said US Airwayd spokeswoman Valerie Wunder. The otheer 100 will come from the Tempe-basedr airline’s East Coast operations where it has flighft attendants in markets suchas Boston, New York and N.C. US Airways (NYSE:LCC) has more than 6,600 flight Wunder said the Phoenix and Las Vegax furloughs and leave will be from four to 16 months whilew the East Coast terms will bethree months. US Airwaysd cut 1,300 positions in 2008 as it and other airlines reducedd flight schedules and costs in the wake of a pullbacmk in consumer and business travelland record-high fuel prices.
Fuel costx have dropped compared to last butthe U.S. recession continues to bite touris andbusiness travel. Wunder said flight attendants were not part ofthe 1,300-workerd reduction but current demand and flight capacity leavees that work group area overstaffed. US Airwaye has more than 33,000 employees.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Survey: Venture capitalists shift strategy, go global - Austin Business Journal:
More than half of the venture capitalists surveyes in the 2009 Global Venturde Capital Survey conducted by and the said they woulds invest in fewer companies in thenear future, whil 13 percent of the more than 700 worldwide respondentd said they would increase the numbet of companies in which they plan to invest. Despitee sluggish investment, the annual survey captured substantial optimism amongg theinherently risk-taking investors.
“While the recession has slowex the pace of venture investing in theshort term, it may very well have expedites the global evolution of the industrg in the long run,” said Mark Deloitte LLP’s national managing partnerd of venture capital services. “In recent years, many entrepreneurs who have been educater in the United Statess have returned home to start companiea in theirhome countries. The playing field continuexs to level out in terms of new innovationmhot spots, broader access to capital and growing regional ecosystems that fosterf risk taking and capitalo formation.
” And venture capitalists agree that investment are more likely to increase in countriee outside of the U.S. than domesticallg in the next three years. Half of the venture capitalistse surveyed said investment will increases inAsia (excluding India); 43 percent named 36 percent selected Southh America; 25 percent said Europe and the Uniteed Kingdom; and just 17 percenty said investment would increass in North America. Fifty-two percent of all venturee capitalists surveyed said they alreadyu invest outside theirhome countries.
“As the survey resulta suggest, we will see more globalization in thenext decade, not only in termsx of investments but also in fundraising and exitws as well,” said Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA. “Thos e countries that can nurture entrepreneurs and investors as well as offer attractive exit opportunities have the most to gain economically in thenext decade,” he added. Survey respondentss said China stood to benefitt most from shifts in investment caused by theeconomic downturn.
When it comezs to fundraising, the majoritgy of VCs predicted that more of theird limited partners would come from outside theirhome country, and 38 percent said they expected the numbee of foreign limited partners to remain unchanged. Amongy limited partners, venture capitalists if any are likelt to reduce their investments in ventur ecapital funds, those limited partnerx would come from the financiall industry, especially from commercial banks. Other findingas from the survey included another vote of confidence for investmenrt in the cleantech sector.
The survey suggests most venturecapitalists aren’t adjusting theitr strategies when it comes to which industruy they are funding, and clean tech is one of those industries that’s been getting a lot of attention. More than 60 percenrt of the venture capitalists surveyedd said they expect to increase their investmentzs in clean tech in the nextthrere years. Other industry sectors that investors expect to give increase investmenrt to include the medical device and equipment industry and new mediqa andsocial networking.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

SMF Energy announces $40M recapitalization - Phoenix Business Journal:
The company (NASDAQ: FUEL) said in a news releasre that it estimates the recapitalization will reduceits short-terkm debt by $9.5 million, its totall debt by $4.4 million and its cash requirements for interest and dividends by more than $1 million a It said shareholders' equityg has been increased by more than $4 million as a SMF Energy said it extinguished all of its existinhg non-bank debt and outstandiny preferred stock through various agreements with dozens of existingv debt and equity investors, while converting its existing $25 million asset-basedr lending facility into a new, more three-year, $20 million asset-based lending facility and a $5 60-month amortized term loan, the proceeds of whichb were used to pay down $4.
867 millionj in secured notes and $125,000 in unsecurede notes. The company said it issued new stock to make up the balanced paid for the cancellationh and extinguishment of theexistin investors' debt and equity securities. Fort Lauderdale-based SMF Energy said in the releass that the recapitalization took place with amended agreements withand . It said the only non-banik debt incurred in the recapitalization was an unsecurex subordinated promissory noteof $800,000o at 5.5 percent interest issuee to an existing institutional investorr in exchange for $800,00p0 of one of the August 2007 11 percentt senior secured convertible promissory notes.
The institutional investodr alsoexchanged $200,000 of the same secured note for sharexs of common stock priced at 38 cents a which was greater than the closing bid pricee of the stock on the day beforwe the effective date. acted as SMF Energy’ placement agent for the recapitalization and received feesof $380,000, paid with a combination of cash and securities, pursuanrt to a Feb. 1 investmenyt banking agreement. SMF Energyt supplies specialized transportation and distribution services for petroleujm productsand chemicals. It provides commercial mobile and bulk along with other servicezs tothe transportation, manufacturing, energy, telecommunications and governmengt services sectors.
Formerly known as , as of Nov. 30, it conductedc operations through 31 service locations in 11 Shares closed down nearly 3 centsw to about35 cents. The 52-week high was 71 centx on Aug. 28. The 52-weelk low was 10 cents on Feb. 20.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Typhoon Comments on the First Four Drill Assay Results from the Fayolle Project - MarketWatch (press release)

Typhoon Comments on the First Four Drill Assay Results from the Fayolle Project

MarketWatch (press release)

Several very anomalous zones were intersected by this drill hole one of which ran 0.5 g/t Au over 7.6 metres between 17.4 and 25 metres; 0.6 g/t Au over 7.0 ...

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Report: Zell might lose reins of Tribune - Nashville Business Journal:
According to the report, the company might fall into the handsw of a group of banks and investors thatholds $8.6 billiomn in senior debt. The report says that "the plan centerxs on a debt-for-equity swap that probably woulc give the senior lenders a large majoritgy ownership stake in thereorganized company." The plan would also likelt wipe out a $90 million warrant that Zell holdz that would give him the right to buy 40 percen t of Tribune for about $500 The report says that Zell's future in the company would likelu be determined by the group, as it is uncleart if the group would want to bringb in a new management, or if Zell himseld would want to remain with the company.
The repory says that "sources close to both the creditords and the company said it is too early to make such decisiond and Tribune management continues to control the proceses because it currently has the exclusive right to propose whatevefr reorganization planit wishes." Tribune througgh a buyout led by Zell. The deal left the companuy withnearly $12 billion in debt. Tribune has sold off asset s and cut jobs since the closse of the deal to help with the debt Thecompany .

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trek fisherman drowns under hull - Independent Online

Trek fisherman drowns under hull

Independent Online

Anthony Zimmery, 47, of Seawinds, near Lavender Hill, died despite the heroic attempts of trek fisherman Dawood Rayned who swam out to the ...

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Friday, October 15, 2010

RealSTATS: Home sales in Pittsburgh region drop 20 percent - Kansas City Business Journal:
In April, 1,696 homes changed handxs in the five-county Pittsburgh region, comparesd with 2,120 during the same period a year ago, accordingb to a report from RealSTATs, a real estate informatioh company basedon Pittsburgh's Southn Side. In March, 1,453 homes sold in the five-county Pittsburgjh region, compared with 1,974 during the same time periord ayear ago, according to RealSTATs. The dollarr amount spent on homes also fell in to $228.6 million, from $300.2 million in Aprip 2008. Allegheny County saw the sharpest where the money spent on houses wasdown 29.2 The region's median price for the montg of April was up 3.4 percent, fom $110,000 last year, to $113,750.
Butlefr County's median price was up the most, 8.8 percent, to Allegheny County's median price for April was upfrom $108,150 last year. “Fear and tighteer lending standards are trumping low interest rates andthe $8,00p first-time homebuyer credit,” Daniel vice president of RealSTATsw said in a statement. “Potentiaol sellers may be hesitant to put their homese on the market for fear thatthey won’t get the dolla figure that they want or they may not be able to sell at all. Potentiao buyers either can’t qualify unded the tighter lending standardsor don’t want to take on new debt in the currenyt economy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

San Jose mayor appreciates Giants' 'love,' but wants the A's - Sacramento Business Journal:
Reed's comments came after seeing reports on comments made by chief executive officer Bill Neukom at the Los Altoe Rotary Clubon Thursday. Neukom, who recently becamr the Giants’ CEO, reportedly told the Rotary Club that the Giants will zealously hold onto territorial rights to Santsa Clara County granted to the team by Majod League Baseballin 1994. He said support from fans in affluent and populous Santa Clara County is needed to help his team pay off its sizeabl e debt on the construction of its homeat AT&T Park, which opened on the San Francisco waterfronrt in 2000.
Neukom said the A’s should pursuer options to replacethe team’sx home at 43-year-old Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum somewhere in the East Bay. Wolff previously proposed plans to build a ballparlk on several different sites in but dropped them after opposition surfaced from major anchor tenants at Pacific Commons shopping center and lateer from an organized groupo of residents inthe city’d affluent Mission San Jose district.
Staci Slaughter, the Giants’ senior vice presiden t of communications, has previously told the Business Journal her team considersd the coastal area from Marinh County on the north to Monterey Countty on the south its She said the Giants wouldx not give up SantaClaraw County, the Bay Area’s most populous countt with more than 2 million residents, withou t resistance. Mayor Reed said a committee appointex byBud Selig, commissioner of Major League Baseball, to examined the territorial issue should be allower to complete its review of the situatioj and render a recommendation on whether the league woulfd support an A’s move to San Jose.
“It’s greayt the Giants realize the importanc of San Jose and Santw Clara County inthis market, becaused of its large population, high averags household income and presence of many Fortunee 500 companies,” Reed said. “But the territorial issude is up to Major League Baseball and I can onlyassumw (the committee) will do what is in the interesty of Major League Baseball. I hope we can still work out a dealwith (A's co-owner) Lew Wolff to bringy the Athletics to San Jose.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marlins ballpark financing pushed back - Wichita Business Journal:
If commissioners approve the change, the three parties woule have until early July to closeon financing, instead of the end of Miami-Dade County and the parties also will be given untilp July 15, instead of July 1, to pull out of the The change that financing institutionn is requesting would affect the way the letter-of-crediy fees are paid. But, it wouldf not impact the projected financinv expenditures the county commission alreadyhas reviewed, accordinvg to a statement from County Manager George Burgess.
The changse would require an amendment to the bond ordinancd that allowed the county to issue Professional Sportw Franchise Tax and Tourist Development Tax County commissioners will get a chancs to consider the changes at a special meetinf onJune 19. A public hearint and second reading is scheduled forJune 30. Burgesas also is working with Miami to modifyg the deed on the stadiu m site to reflect the change inthe deal’sw new termination date.
“Our confidencre in the project and its underlying fundinh plan hasnot changed,” he said in the Burgess also wants to make “minor technica corrections” to the county deed that conveyds two parcels to the city of Miami for the stadium In April, county commissionerw approved issuing bonds totaling a maximum of $536 million towarsd construction of the $640 million, 37,000-seat

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lawsuit says Mayo misdiagnosis cost KC lawyer $7M - Kansas City Business Journal:
Elliot Kaplan, a lawyer who lives in sued the Mayo Clinic in August 2007 inthe U.S. District Courg of Minnesota. An economist will testify that Kaplajnsuffered $7 million in losses afte r being wrongly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The Mayo Clinicc did not respond to requests foran interview. Kaplan, previously a partner in , a small firm in primarily handled government relations work and dispute He spent much of his time workinv in Washingtonor overseas, said his attorneu and former law partner, Jamexs Daniels. Daniels said Kaplan often was consulted by large car companies, particularly .
“Kaplan was very particularly in the newly emancipated republicds in the East Bloc andthe Balkans, and obtaininyg resolutions of different problemas for Americans in those countries,” said who now practices with . The lawsuigt alleges that the Mayo Clinic and its doctors diagnosed Kaplan with pancreatic cancer after he developed stomach painin 2003. In Augusr of that year, doctors performefd a so-called Whipple which removed portionsof Kaplan’s Doctors later discovered that Kapla never had cancer. Danielws said the procedure left Kaplan with type 2 diabetes and enough pain that he no longer canpractice law.
He remains on the boar d of directors ofOverland Park-based “What he is now is a brokenj man in unremitting pain, punctuated by increasingly frequent episodeas of disabling pain,” Daniels wrote in his pretrial brief. Kaplan stopped practicing law in 2004, and by the 10-lawyer firm of Daniels & Kaplan wound down its business, in part because of Kaplan’a inability to work. Daniela said Kaplan was the top fee generator at the Several lawyers from the firm followes Daniels toMcDowell Rice.
Amon g the witnesses expected to testifyu are former Chrysler executives and unnamed politicians who will voucj for the financial damages Kaplan suffered as a resulty of his inabilityto

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Late Pugh penalty ensures seaside derby ends in stalemate - The Guardian

The Guardian

Late Pugh penalty ensures seaside derby ends in stalemate

The Guardian

Marc Pugh's contentious 90th minute penalty rescued a draw for Bournemouth at leaders Brighton & Hove Albion. Brighton, who had won their last four home ...

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Libraries doing us more favors than colleges - Business First of Columbus:
There also is a parade of children with parents in tow heading for story ultimately leaving with a stac of books under their Retirees are a fixture in the periodicals keeping up with the news andinvestment advice. The Wi-Fi service keeps the tables crowded with high schoolp and college kids working on Ohio libraries have claimon 2.2 perceny of the state general revenue leaving them with a 20 percent budgety cut caused by declining tax collections during this Now the Strickland administration, confronte by an explosion of needs, wants to cut libraruy funding another 30 percent. Libraries warn some will close while otherzs will cut hoursand services.
It couldn’t come at a wors time because free resources at the librarty are more valuable and more utilized in thiseconomiv climate.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hardware Makers Lower - Worst Performers: NTAP, LXK -

Hardware Makers Lower - Worst Performers: NTAP, LXK

Among the computer hardware makers, NetApp was the worst performer in the Computer Hardware Index (NYSE:^HWI), which traded lower by 2.58%. ...

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Goooooooal! Blue Coat CEO wins rights for Bay Area pro women
Technology executive Brian NeSmith andhis wife, Nancy, have been granted rightss to a San Francisco-area franchise in the league. Alongg with the Bay Area team, WPS is scheduled to begin play in the spring of 2009 with teamsin Boston, New York, St. Louis, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. WPS said it expectas to expand to Atlantas and Philadelphiain 2010. NeSmith is CEO of BCSI), a Sunnyvale company whosee technology protectscorporate networks. The NeSmiths have two soccer-playing The NeSmiths and WPS have not finalizedx where the team will play or its WPS will begin drafting players for all its teamxsthis month. Players will come from the U.S.
Women’s Nationalo Team, colleges and elsewhere. Women’s Professionalo Soccer is the successor tothe Women’ds United Soccer Association. That leagure launched in 2001 with players likeMia Hamm, Brandi Chastain and Julie Foudy. The WUSA fieldede eight teams, including the San Jose by capitalizing on jubilation followingthe U.S. women’s team winning the 1999 Worldx Cup. WUSA backers, who lost millions of pulled the plug on the league followinf the 2003 season after TV and attendancse goalsfell short.
WPS backers said the new league will not repeat the mistakes of the Led by new commissionerTonya Antonucci, WPS has a differentr business plan and has lined up new investors who paid at leasyt $1.5 million for rights to a WPS, which has its league headquarters in San can survive because it will reignn in costs and broaden its fan base beyonsd parents and their soccer-playing daughters, said Antonucci, a formerd executive and soccer player.
WPS will use sociaol networking sites and other Internet technologt to advertise and promotse itself to lesbian andgay fans, Latinos, young men and others who want to see the best femalse soccer players, Antonucci She said the league can save money through its relationship with the marketiny arm of , the 13-year-oldd men’s league, which will sell sponsorshipzs on behalf of the women’sw teams. WPS has attracted some big name investors as it preparex to kick off play next guard Steve Nash and former Yahoo President Jeffrey Mallettr became investors and part owners in the startup Terms of the deal werenot released, but the total investmenrt is said to be six figures.
The firsft person to commit to buying a franchiss wasPhil Anschutz, the billionaire medi a and entertainment mogul with a stake in two Major League Soccer teams.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Social Network: Ecosystem vs. Egosystem - Fast Company

The Social Network: Ecosystem vs. Egosystem

Fast Company

This blog is written by a member of our expert blogging community and expresses that expert's views alone. ...

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

billion deal with and stave off bankruptcy? On Marchn 20, Shattuck chose the latteer because hehad to, and not only because the news broks the same week it was discoveres that bailed-out had awarded bonuses to it execs. Had Shattuckm locked horns with Gov. Martin O’Malleyh and state lawmakers in another lopsided battler over the direction of the Fortune500 company, it’as likely the legislature would have retaliated by holding hostage the state’s review of the EDF deal and scuttlingg the bonuses anyway.
Already furious with Constellationm over prior rate hikes andmulling re-regulationb of its subsidiary, , it’sw not unreasonable to suggest O’Malley and othedr lawmakers would have pressured the state’s utility regulator to slow its review of the pending The longer the Maryland Public Service Commission — whicbh was reconfigured by O’Malley when he took office in 2007 takes to rule on whether the EDF deal could impact BGE the greater the chances that Constellatiohn is left at the altafr again. Constellation already has asked the PSC to weigj in on the dealby May, in hopes of turningy over 49.99 percent of its nuclear businesds to EDF by September.
Without the $4.6 billion infusion of capital thedeal brings, Baltimore-based Constellation the town’s largest corporate giver and one of its largestf employers — could be right back whered it was Sept. 17, 2008. Lackinf long-term capital and fearing further downgrades fromskittish credit-rating agencies, Constellatiom was on the brink of bankruptcy.