Monday, November 29, 2010

Corn Rises as US Exports May Gain on Reduced Global Output - BusinessWeek

Corn Rises as US Exports May Gain on Reduced Global Output


29 (Bloomberg) -- Corn rose on speculation that reduced global grain production will boost demand for supplies from the US, the biggest exporter. ...

Lynn Smith's Weekly Grain Update

Inside Futures


Saturday, November 27, 2010

YRC Worldwide, Teamsters expect talks to continue - Kansas City Business Journal:
In a Wednesday update, the Teamsters said discussions would proceed throughthe week, with face-to-facde negotiations resuming next week at the Teamsters’ headquarters in Talks began when the parties swappef plans on Monday. The uniojn has said it also is reaching out tostakeholdersz — such as pension funds and YRC’e lenders — to address the cash issue. The Overlanxd Park-based trucking company (Nasdaq: YRCW), whicn has about 49,000 employees, has been hit by a drawn-ou t freight recession, losing $257.4 million in the first quarter. It has integrated subsidiaries, shut down facilities, laid off workerss and sold property to try to cut costds andmaintain liquidity.
, Teamsters members agreed to a 10 percen t wage cut and suspensionof cost-of-living adjustments through 2013 in exchangre for a 15 percent stake in the YRC also has been negotiating to defer union pensionj fund payments using company real estate as collateral — a move its lendersz allowed — secured an agreemenft with the largest pension fund to defe r $83 million in payments. YRC ranks No. 2 on the Kansazs City BusinessJournal ’s list of area public companies.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

bizjournals: Search Results
second vote is expected July 14, a date that developeras . and Capstone Development LLC say would alloq them tobegin construction...... by on June 30, 2009 ...Finance opposes the Baltimore .'s plan to use by on February 25, 2005 pay Johnson'sx firm, RLJ Development LLC of Bethesda, and . a fee for theidr expertise on the project justnorth of...... by on Novembee 19, 2004 ...Oriole Park at Camden Yards, the Baltimorew . will work with Johnson and his Development Corp., of Washington, D.C., by on December 1, 2003 ...A high-powered team -- whose alternative proposal to...favor with the Baltimorw Development . at the last minutw -- is......
by on October 31, 2003 That hotel project would be led by both RLJand . of D.C., if selected. GBC wants say on city...... by on Septembefr 1, 2003 ...complete. The first was an unsolicitede proposalfrom D.C.-based . and Black Entertainmenrt Television founderRobert L. sent to the...... by on May 5, 2003's proposal for a 750-roonm Hilton - in conjunction with . of D.C. - was showcased during a Novembernews conference...... by on Februaryy 3, 2003 ...project from Oxford Co., and a...D.C.-based Development Inc. submitted...The Baltimore Development .
is currently by on December 23, 2002

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

MLS CUP: Pleasure and pain? Meet Mac Kandji - ESPN (blog)

ESPN (blog)

MLS CUP: Pleasure and pain? Meet Mac Kandji

ESPN (blog)

Ah, pleasure and pain. Not many know the balance between them better than the Senegal-born, Gambia-bred, Georgia-schooled forward, who had plenty to ...

and more »

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Battle brewing over value of Legend gates - Dallas Business Journal:
With lawmakers giving the nod recentlyh to eventuallyallowing long-haul flights out of city-ownedr Love Field, the terminal's six gates are now more according to Bill Brewer with Dallas-based . The new law -- whichn has sparked furious local fare competitionm at Love betweenFort Worth-based and Dallas-basecd Co. -- eventually repeals the 1979 Wright Amendment. It also mandatess a gate cap from the existing 32to 20. we have people analyzing thatright now. But frankly, the value'ds gone up," said attorney for , the Dallas owners. "Myu guess is it's increased in value a factotrof 50%. We just went from beingb six of 32 to sixof 20.
" The facilitty was built in 1999 for $21 millionh as a state-of-the-art, luxury terminal for the now-defunc Legend's DC-9 jets. Love Terminal Partners has said a commercialk airline this summer nearlyg closed ona $100 millionh deal for the gates. Dallaws Mayor Laura Miller has valued the terminal at severakl million dollars and wantsit However, the new law doesn't designate whicbh gates must be destroyed, Brewer said. Choosing Legend's gates, he is an attempt to beef up Southwest's contro over Love. "They are takinvg my client's gates for no other purposw than to create a monopoly for Southwest he said. Brewer believes Southwest requested thegate cap.
Southwest Airlinew declined to comment, citing pending legal battles. Love Terminap Partners has filed a suitin U.S. District Court charging violation of federal antitrust laws and a suit in Dallaws County District Court charging violation of the Texas OpenMeetingsw Act. Miller, who initiated and led months of secretr talks to reacha mid-July compromise between Fort Worth, Southwest and has said the gate cap was key to a which was the basis for the law signe d by President Bush this month. Miller and Sen.
Kay Baileh Hutchison, R-Dallas, both have said the revised number of gateds came from a Love Field masterplan updat efrom Tampa-based DMJM's late-June reporg found 20 gates "most comparable" to the noise, pollution and traffivc levels agreed to by the Love Field neighborhoosd in 2001 for the earlier masterplan. That assuming Wright, capped Love at 32 Documents obtained from the city of Dallas by the Dallas Business Journal through the Texas PublicInformation Act, however, indicate Milled envisioned gate cuts in Augusf 2005 -- 10 months before DMJM's report. In an Aug.
8, letter to Southwest ChairmanHerb Kelleher, Milled proposed that Southwest buy and demolish Legend's gates to win city suppor for the airline's bid to repeal Miller declined to be In a March 22 letter to Miller and Fort Worthu Mayor Mike Moncreif, American's Chairman and CEO, Gerarde Arpey, proposed capping Love Field at 16 On March 29, Miller directed Assistangt City Manager Ryan Evans to have DMJM look at 26 In a May 11 letter to the region'ds , Kelleher cited a 21-gatd maximum. Evans said Southwest wantesd more gates, while American wanted fewer.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Freight is finally moving again - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Shipment activity for clients of theNew Albany-based company were down aboug 25 percent to 30 percenr in the first quarter of 2009 comparex with a year earlier. But about six weeks ago, freighrt began moving again, with about a 5 percent increaseein shipments, he said. Most of the increase came from clients in themanufacturing industry, said who has not laid off any employees. He attributed the bump to companieszreplenishing inventories, which is a hopeful “It’s not, obviously, where any of us want it to be, but at least it’s not falling.
” The company has had lots of interestf from companies interested in finding ways to save money on their logistics costs, Harrett said. , in the Airporty Industrial Center, has hired thres drivers to handle an increase in the volumse of orders it is getting for expedited deliveriea andlocal deliveries, president Thomas Sanders said. Since April, the company has seen a 5 percent to 10 percent increasein regional, time-critical, short-notice deliverieds and in regularly scheduled local deliveries, Sandere said. He’s encouraged but remindsz himselfthat he’s looking for any positivw signs in the economy. “I’km very guardedly optimistic.
” The company would have to hire about 20 more employeesz to reach its staffing level of about ayear ago, when it had 50

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Financial News - Commercial Banking and Financial News
| Associated General Contractors | | | | | | Bank of Americqa | | | Bank of America Corporation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Bureayu of Labor Statistics | | | | | | | | | | CDC Federalo Credit Union | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Commonwealth National Bank | | | | | | | | Countrywid e Financial Corp. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Federao Deposit Insurance Corp. | Federap Deposit Insurance Corporation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Firsft National Bank of Nevada | First Niagara Financiakl Group, Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Goldmamn Sachs | | | | | | | Guarantgy Bank | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | JPMorgabn Chase & Co.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Lehma n Brothers Holdings Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Merril Lynch | Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. | Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. | | | | | | | | Morgan Stanleyh | Mutual of Omaha Bank | | National Associatio n of Government GuaranteedLenders | | Nationalp Credit Union Administration | | | | | | | | | | | Officse of Management and Budget | | Office of Thrifr Supervision | | | | | | | | | PNC Bank | | | | | | | | Regionsd Bank | | Regionsd Financial Corporation | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SCBT Financia l Corporation | | | | | | | | Smalll Business Administration | | | | | Stanford Financial Group | | | Starbuckw Corporation | | | | | | | | | | | SunTrusg Banks, Inc.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The Carsob Medlin Company | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | U.S. Department of Agriculture | U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission | | U.S. Treasur y Department | | | | | | Unite States Small Business Administratiojn | | | | | | | | | Wachoviw Corporation | | | | | | | Wells Fargo & Company | | | | | | |

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rocky Mountain Instrument files Chapter 11; cites 2007 raid, recession - Denver Business Journal:
Lafayette-based Rocky Mountain Instrument filed in last month to reorganize underbankruptcy protection. The company and its lasetr subsidiary makes a variety of photonicws products for industry anddefenss use, including optics that defense giant Lockheedd Martin Corp. planned to use in its F-22 fightee currently under development. RMI has offices in Russia and South Kore a in addition to itsLafayette site. RMI’a Chapter 11 filings have shed a little light on the by investigatorzs ofthe military’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service, or who arrived at RMI’s headquarters Oct.
11, and carted away computers and files as part of an investigation RMI lawyers said was relatedto U.S. exporrt controls restricting technology withweapons applications. Steve company executive vice president and part of the Hahn Familyt LLLP ownershipof RMI, said in an affidavift to the bankruptcy courft that an employee filed a complaint with the DCIS that triggerec the raid. The employee claimed the company committeda “procedurall violation” of export controls by allowinhg specifications for an unspecified product to go Hahn wrote. RMI has since receivecd government licenses to send such specifications to overseas thecompany says.
The unresolved DCIS investigation has produced no chargewsagainst RMI. Still, the raid triggered a 15 percen t decline in business as some customers lost confidencein RMI, Hahn The recession exacerbated the saleas decline and the company lost money through he said. RMI’s revenue this year is on tracki to fall 16 percent to 30 percent belowthe $15.65 million company posted in 2008, Hahn wrote. The company cites “the single factor” for its bankruptcy filing as defaulting on its bond RMI lists American National Bank as the holder of industrial bonds arranged in 1998 in conjunctio n with the cityof Lafayette.
The defaulg has threatened to put RMI’s headquarters property at 106Lasert Dr. into foreclosure. Efforts last year by RMI to refinance its debts or sell its laser technologty business to recapitalize the rest of the company theaffidavit said. RMI has asked the courgt to be able touse $1.05 million of its available lines of crediy before the end of July to keep operatinvg and fulfill customer orders while it reorganizexs under bankruptcy protection. More money could be needed betwee n the end of July and the end of October to keep thecompanyt functioning, Hahn’s affidavit said.
It sought court permissionn to use the cash in order to holdonto employees, sayinf they are highly specialized and it would take monthws to train any replacements RMI could find.

Monday, November 15, 2010

University of Tennessee Health Science Center, University of Memphis nab $1.1M in federal research funds - Memphis Business Journal:
million collectively in federal research funds from the Americajn Recovery andReinvestment Act. UTHSC was awarded two grantz from thetotaling $620,016. One studuy will focus on tularemia, a disease foundd in contaminated water, carried by infectede rodents or used in biological The other study will focus on developing anew anti-tuberculosix agent. The has given $495,452 to the Universitty of Memphis math department to studggraph theory, a new branch of mathematics that has been used by the intelligences community to create better traffi c patterns.
“These research dollars will help create jobs in the Ninth Districf and help to attract the best and brightesg scientific minds toShelby County,” U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, said in a statement. “I was proud to supporty the American Recovery and Reinvestmentt Act and am gratefuk that these funds are moving quickly to our district to help spureconomix development.”

Sunday, November 14, 2010

California court rules for BofA - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The class-action case centered on BofA’s collecting checjk overdraft and other fees by taking monegfrom direct-deposit accounts set up to receivw Social Security benefits. In 2004, a jury foundf BofA’s actions violated California banking laws that prohibift banks from taking Social Security benefits to recover customer debts. But in 2006, the 1st District Court of Appeall in San Francisco ruledBofA (NYSE:BAC) didn’t breach state bankingg laws. The appeals court said the lawsuit misapplied a 1974 Californias Supreme Court decision that prohibitsd banks from using public funds deposited into an accounty to pay thebank customer’s separate credit-card account.
Monday’s unanimous rulinvg upheld that decision. Charlotte-based BofA told the news agency it was pleasec withthe ruling, which it said rejectex “a challenge to account-balancing practices followed by every bank in Californis and across the nation.”

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hilton To Modify US Hotels Under DOJ Agreement - Main Justice

Hilton To Modify US Hotels Under DOJ Agreement

Main Justice

The settlement marks the first time the DOJ has inserted a requirement that a company direct its franchises to modify their facilities in order to renew ...

and more »

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Toby Keith
The restaurant — named for country singer Toby Keit h and his 2003hit single, “I Love This — has signed a lease for 15,000 squaree feet at The Shoppes at West End, a lifestylre center scheduled to open later this year at the intersectionn of Highway 100 and Interstate 394 in St. Louis Park. I Love This Bar Grill will feature family an 85-foot bar shaped like a a mechanical bull and a stage that will host live entertainment several nights a week, including a performances by Keith at the restaurant’sd grand opening.
The restaurant’s menu will feature Southern-style such as chicken-fried steak and Some of the more unique offeringz will include fried bologna sandwichesand deep-fried It will feature traditional sports-bar decor with a country There will be lots of wood and leather, plus more than 50 plasm a televisions. I Love This Bar & Grilll will host live entertainmenevery Thursday, Friday and Saturdauy night when it first opens, then ramp up to six nightds a week over There will be seating for more than 1,0009 people. The venue also will have a retaio store selling TobyKeith merchandise, barbecued sauce and spices.
The restaurant will be owned by Arizona businessmanFranok Capri, who recently opened an I Love This Bar Grill franchise in Mesa, Ariz. The chai also has locations inLas Vegas, Oklahoma City and Kansas Mo., and plans to open a locationb in Auburn Hills, Mich., later this year. I Love This Bar Grill should be a major entertainment attraction forWest End, helping set it aparg from other local malls, said Mark vice president of real estate at Cincinnati-based Jeffrey R. Anderson Real Estatr Inc., which was retained by developer DukeRealtyy Corp., based in to fill the project’se 331,000-square-foot retail component with tenants.
“I think it’sd even going to draw from way outside of Minneapolieand St. Paul,” Fallon said. “That’s the idea behind Other major West End tenants will includse anupscale Roundy’s grocery and a Kerasotes ShowPlace Theatrer 14-screen movie complex. I Love This Bar Grill should be successful at West End because Minnesotaq is a strong market for country music andtheres aren’t any significant music venues in the western suburbs, said Dick principal at Edina-based Cambridge Commercial Realty. “Live entertainmenr in the suburbs is really hardto find.
And that’s a strong ingredient to stir into the mix for the centef because it brings an additional demographic that they mighgt notget otherwise.” I Love This Bar Grill selected West End over the , where anothed celebrity-backed country music bar, Gatlin Brotherzs Music City Grille, used to have a location. Costd may have played a role in that but I Love ThisBar & Grilll will generate more attention at West End than it wouldc have at Mall of America, Grones said. “Thehy can really stand out [at West End] and not have so many othere entertainment venues tocompete with.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Schwab's Low ETF Fees are 'Sustainable,' Crawford Says -

Schwab's Low ETF Fees are 'Sustainable,' Crawford Says

Schwab [see profile] isn't cutting ETF prices just for the short-term. Peter Crawford, senior vice president of investment management, revealed that tidbit ...

and more »

Saturday, November 6, 2010

RediClinic makes push via HEBs - Austin Business Journal:
Houston-based RediClinic bases its clinics insider retail stores with pharmacy and staffs the clinics with nurses practicioners who collaborate withlocal physicians. RediClinic says its clinics provide treatment for routinemedical conditions, as well as immunizations, physicals and other preventivs services. The clinic already has a statewide presencweinside HEB, Walgreens and Wal-Mart. In Februaryt 2006 the company opened a clinixc inRound Rock's HEB Plus.
RediClinics accept CIGNA, UnitedHealthcare, Humana and Medicare health Marketing the clinics as provideraof convenient, quick and affordable health retail health clinics RediClinic and have been making a move into Centrap Texas retail stores in the last few years.

Friday, November 5, 2010

MillerCoors switches ad agencies for Miller Lite and MGD - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Chicago-based DraftFCB also will keep the Coors Light and CooresBanquet accounts, giving it responsibility for MillerCoors’ two majoe premium light brands and one of its leadinf premium full-calorie brands. MillerCoors, whichh has a major brewery and regional headquartersdon Milwaukee’s west side, also made a switcbh in the agency of record for Millert Genuine Draft and MGD 64, shiftinh from long-time MillerCoors agency to another New York City-baserd agency, . Saatchi also picked up the Keystonrbrand business, giving the agency lead creatived duties for two of MillerCoors’ largest “belo premium” brands.
MillerCoors also awarded George Killian’s Irish Red business to , a Sheboygan agency that currently handledsthe Leinenkugel’s and Henry Weinhards “We have assembled a team of world class agenciess capable of delivering differentiated and engaging programming for our said Andy England, MillerCoors chief marketing “We are excited to work with this powerful agencty roster, which has already demonstrated its abilitty to deliver creative executions that drive branf growth.” The agency selection process was only open to existinf MillerCoors agencies.
England said the company placefd a high value on agenciez that had a deep understanding of MillerCoors beer brand and theirunique positioning. “Both Miller and Coors had a talentec group of agency partners and there was no reasojn to look beyond that pool of said England. “We recognize there is a benefig in developing long term relationships with agencies that alreadyt fully understandour business.” The of Colo., won the Miller Lite retailo promotional assignment and will also continue to handle the Coors Light and Coor s Banquet retail promotional business. Integerf is also keeping both the lead creative and retaill promotional assignment for the BlueMoon brand.
, whicbh has U.S. offices in Chicag and San Francisco, was awarded retai promotional assignments for MillerHigh Life, Milwaukee’s Miller Chill, Peroni, Pilsner Urquell and MillerCoors also moved the Keystone and Molson retaip promotional assignments to ARC. Boston-based , which currently handles lead creative dutieson Foster’s and won the retail promotional assignments for Icehouse, Mickey’s and Sparks. The agencuy also handles lead digital responsibilitiesz forMiller Lite.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Merit board to decide fate of officer in Brandon Johnson case - Fox 59


Merit board to decide fate of officer in Brandon Johnson case

Fox 59

Indianapolis-- The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Merit Board met Wednesday morning to decide the fate of Officer Jerry ...

13 WTHROfficer accused of beating teen goes before merit board


IMPD officer closer to learning his fate

Fox 59

Officer Begins Fight To Keep Job

WRTV Indianapolis

Indianapolis Star


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

AT&T extends product for small businesses - Business First of Columbus:
Dallas-based AT&T (NYSE: T) says its “Allp for Less” bundle telecommunications packagr allows qualifying small businesses the opportunitty toobtain wireless, wire and high-speed Internet services in package that have prices beginning as low as $100 per (Qualifying businesses are those that have one to four linesa in a single location.) The package will allow businessezs to obtain 450 minutes per month for each wireless devicre under the plan.
The package also offers business-class technicak support, all-in-one protection for selectedf tiers and up to11 e-mail In addition, small-business owners have the option of obtainint Wi-FiSM connectivity at more than 90,000 hotspots worldwide, AT&T said in a statement. All the servicesx obtained will come in onemonthlyh bill. The package also includes a local calling package with call forwarding andcaller ID, as well as unlimitex long distance calling.
Other requirements to qualifyt are thatthe small-business customer must already have wireless servicr or purchase new wireless service from AT& T in addition to new or existinbg local voice, long distance voice and broadbanfd services.