Monday, January 31, 2011

Miami physician sentenced in Medicare fraud case - Portland Business Journal:
Rodriguez was indicted in , alony with two other doctors in connection witha $10 million Medicares fraud scheme. He pleaded guilty in to conspiract to commit healthcare fraud. Rodrigue z was a co-owner of and physician at MidwaytMedical Center, a Miami clinic that purported to specialize in the treatmentr of HIV patients, according to a news releas from the U.S. Department of Justice. He admitted while at Midway, he and his co-conspirators billed Medicare for services that were medicallyu unnecessary and in many instancesnever provided.
He also admittec that he purchased only a smal l amount of the drugs that he claimed to administer to patients and that he falsifiedmedical records, according to the news release. Rodriguez also admitted that he was listedf as medical director and practicinv physician for fiveother Miami-area HIV infusion clinicx between October 2003 and February 2005, wherd he engaged in similafr activity. He admitted to filing more than $20 million in false Several of Rodriguez’s co-defendants have already been sentenced for theifr roles at Midway andrelated clinics.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sales of imported ros wines leap 42 percent - San Francisco Business Times:
U.S. retail sales of imported rosé wined leapt 42 percent in the 52 week period endingAprilk 4, compared with a less-than-5-percent increases in totall sales of table wines during the same period, accordinv to data cited by the . The Frenchg wine council, known in France as Conseilp Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provence or said Monday the steep risein rosé consumptiomn is consistent with an earlierd study by International Wine & Spirit Recore predicting that consumption of the popula r pinkish wines worldwide will jump from 565 million bottlea to 620 million by 2012. Not the CIVP expects the growing thirst forimported rosé wines in the U.S.
marketr will bode well for France, particularly its Provence wine The French produce 28 percent of worldwide winesby volume, making it the leader in the category, according to the wine which represents 700 Provence wineries and 55 local trading Provence produces 38 percent of France’s rosés, the groupo reported. Separately, Nielsen figurees revealed that2008 U.S. sales of table wines priced at $6 per bottle or more jumped 24.9 percent by price and 22.
4 percen by volume, despite a weakening

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Newton-Wellesley plastic surgeons lead emergency-room revolt - Boston Business Journal:
But if you're looking for a plastiv surgeon late at night in theemergencyt room, you might be disappointed. The Newton hospita l recently scrappedthe on-cal l system by which plastic surgeonx once provided coverage for the hospital's emergency room. The move came aftet an open revolt bythe hospital's plastic surgeon s over late-night calls to performj minor operations. When a plastic surgeon now is needec in the emergency whether to satisfy a demanding patient with a minoe cut or to help sew up a carcrash victim, hospital staffers must thumb down a list of phone numbere in hopes of finding someone available.
Newton-Wellesleuy is just one of several hospitals in the state and across the country facina quiet, behind-the-scenes rebellion by some of medicine's most highlyy paid specialists, whose salaries number in the hundreda of thousands of dollars. Locally, other hospitals are facinhg disgruntledplastic surgeons. Norwood Hospital did away with its plastidcsurgeon on-call rotation years ago, while both Deaconess-Walthajm and Columbia Metro-West Medical Center have struggled to obtain full industry sources said.
In the dispute at Newton-Wellesley illustrates the growing problem of getting plastic otherwise known for helping rich clients to look younger and fitter throughg nipsand tucks, to assist in emergency room casesd in which victims have potentially disfigurin injuries. Plastic surgeons at Newton-Wellesley said they are burnec up by a steady declin in what managed care companies pay fortheir services--sometimezs as little as $80 to sew up an accident victim.
Compounding matters, the doctorsw said, is an increasinbg number of patients convinced that a plastic surgeon is needes for any cutor wound, no matter how "If someone comes in with a terrible dog I have no question it is going to get said one Newton-Wellesley plastic "We want them to want our services, but none of us wantzs to do it for $80." This balkiny at emergency room duty by plastic surgeons has been greetedf with raised eyebrows by some of their colleagues in the medical By jettisoning its on-call rotation, Newton-Wellesley and other hospitals take the chance of not beingb able to find a plastic surgeon duringh an emergency, some doctors say.
"It rarely pays any physiciabn to get up in the middle of the night and come and see a This was considered an obligation to patienyt care and also an obligation to the hospital to whichn they haveadmitting privileges," said Dr. Lawrence CEO of Columbia MetroWest Medical Center in The plastic surgeon controversy comes on the heelds of the opening ofa new, $35 milliobn surgery center at Newton-Wellesley. Hospital administrators did away withthe on-calll system, said some at Newton-Wellesley, to avoic angering older plastic surgeons who, with establisheds practices, help fill the hospital's operating rooms.
Resentment over emergencyy room coverage had been building for years and finallyg came to a headlast fall. Rounding up volunteersa for emergency room duty for thecoming year, the hospital'sx head of plastic surgery, Dr. Williajm Loverme, found he could only fill the schedule for aboutsevemn months. A group of seven or eight youngedr plastic surgeons who handled most of the emergencyg room calls then met with hospital Their ultimatum: If you want the schedule either force the older and more established plastid surgeons to take ER callws or raise pay rates for after-houtr duties. The hospital responded by scrappingthe on-callk system.
Newton-Wellesley officials also are considering a form wherd patients seeking a plastic surgeon for minor cuts coulr waive their insurance and pay out of said Dr. Joseph Russo, a Harvard trainesd Newton-Wellesley plastic surgeon with five yearsdof experience. "What they are saying is that they want to keep plastif surgeons happy becausethey don't want to lose casews in the (daytime) operating room. That's where they are makinfg their money," Russo said. "uI don't think anyone really cares They don't want to lose the OR (operating cases to save the littlwER calls," he said. How well this new systek is working is neede in an emergency isanothee question.
"If you're going to provide a service at a you need to havean on-call mechanism by whicjh appropriate consultation can be maintained. The person can't be providingt coverage for the emergency departmenf and be skiing inthe Alps," said Dr. Alasdairr Conn, chief of emergency services at Massachusetts General Hospital in Withouta go-to, on-call person, it coulfd also take some time for emergency room stafferz to track down an availables plastic surgeon, said Charlotte Yeh, director of the emergency department at New Englanfd Medical Center in

Monday, January 24, 2011

Land acquisition completed for FutureGen plant - St. Louis Business Journal:
billion coal-fueled, near-zero emissions experimentall power plant have completed the land acquisitiomin Mattoon, Ill. and Coles Together recently combined fundz to purchasethe 400-plus-acre using nearly $3 million raisefd locally by Coles Together along with non-public Alliance fundds provided by the group’s 13 member companies, includinyg The alliance and the and Economic Opportunity Director Jack Lavin also unveiled a report Friday showinbg new geophysical data that confirm the suitabilitt of the Mattoon site, about 150 miless northeast of St. to securely store greenhouse gasezs captured fromthe world-classa coal-to-electricity project.
The state of Illinoies and the public-private each has committee $2 million to support ongoing scientific andtechnicao studies. Nearly a year ago, Mattoon was chosen to host the plantf but the project stalled afterr the federal governmentbacked out. With a new administratio n headedto Washington, supporters for federal backing. Initial estimatee state that 1,300 construction jobs and 150 permanentg jobs would be createdthrough FutureGen.
In addition, an SIU studgy showed that duringthe four-year construction period, there would also be more than $1 billion in economiv impact statewide and 1,225 indirect and induced spin-off jobs creater as a result of the ripple effect generated by FutureGen. Once the facility is the study pointed out that FutureGen wouldgeneratde $135 million annually in total statewide economic with an $85 million annual increases in Coles County. It will also create an additionapl 360 indirect andinduced full-time jobs according to the report.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Beige Book sees
The report covers a period from mid-Aprip to the end of May. Demanx was soft for retail goodas and demand forserviceds fell. But home sales firmed up in many part ofthe Fed’s 12th district. Inflatiobn was quiet, and upward pressurs on wages will essentially nil inthe district, the Fed Manufacturing remained at an extremely low or fell, although conditions improvefd for information technology products. Home construction stayed at low and commercial real estate demand continued to Loan demand weakened and credittremained tight. The Beige Book is the Fed’es summary of current economic conditions for each FederapReserve district. It is publisher eight times a year.
The 12th district, bases in San Francisco, covers nine western including Alaskaand Hawaii. The full Beige Book is .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

J.G. Wentworth cuts 120 - Philadelphia Business Journal:
J.G. Wentworth has notified the Pennsylvania Department of Laboand Industry, as required unde r the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. The company said the affected employees will continuwe to receive full salary and benefits for 60 days as requirecdunder WARN. Chief marketing officer Ken Murray said the cuts will come from all phasedsof J.G. Wentworth’s operations. Murray said the firm has felt the stinhg ofthe “inefficient securitization market and the increase in the cost of According to the company’s Web J.G. Wentworth grew from 100 employees in Bryn Mawr in 2005 to 200 employees thefollowinbg year. J.G.
Wentworth, founded in 1991, is a financiapl services firm specializing in purchasingstructured settlements, and life insurance policies. The companyu is owned by New York-based private equity firm and movedd from Center City Philadelphia to Bryn Mawrin 2003.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sony Hints At Possibility Of Everquest 3 Coming To PS3 [With Various MMOs ... - TFTS (blog)

TFTS (blog)

Sony Hints At Possibility Of Everquest 3 Coming To PS3 [With Various MMOs ...

TFTS (blog)

Typically, releasing a MMO on a console is a risky idea. While MMOs have become a staple PC gaming, the genre just doesn't work as well on consoles. ...

and more »

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Banking industry
That blunt two-word message was a central theme in chietf executive officerJames Rohr’s keynote speech to the conference at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront on The group’s managers juggle risksx for the nation’s banks and other financiak services companies. To say the least, they’vse been busy lately — slogging throughg loan losses, trying to figure out how to unload assetsx nobody wants tobuy and, most recently, untanglingg the details of the federalo government’s bank rescue “We have to admit, we as an industry have reallt screwed things up,” Rohr He preached the importance of knowing your own compan and balance sheet, a practice he said had fallemn by the wayside as many banksa sold off their loans to investors as soon as they made In introducing Rohr, RMA official s said they had choseb him to speak because of PNC’s PNC) long-standing focus on carefullty managing risks.
The Pittsburgh-based bank got criticizecd during the boom years for not crankinb outmore loans, Rohr said. PNC’ss third-quarter earnings fell by 39 percent from a year but the company staye inthe black. Just over 1 percentt of the bank’s loans were classified as “non-performing” in the The bank bought , Baltimore’s largest independent last year. The government moves to shore upbanksa — which include buying stocko in banks and guaranteeing the loans they make to each otherd — should help boost confidence, Rohr said. Withoutg them, he said, the industry might have faced people lining up at banksd to withdrawtheir money.
But there are plenthy of questions left, Rohr “The Fed wants us all to increase lending, but if we’rr having an economic downturn, who are we goinhg to lend to? We can’g force that issue.” In an interview after his speech, Rohr said the bank is stil l working throughthe Fed’s stock-purchasse program before deciding whether to participate. PNC’s strong capitaol base and the expectation that more banksd will merge led one attende e to ask Rohr if PNC will be an Banks can probably be acquired cheaplyrighg now, Rohr said, but “you don’rt want to catch a falling knife.
” Any deales now will require taking a fine-tooth comb to an acquiree’s balance Rohr said. After his Rohr said the bank would consider acquisition But allof PNC’s markets, includin g Baltimore, are ahead of expectationws on sales and picking up customer and deposits, and the bank wantes to continue that homegrown he said. Another attendee asked Rohr aboutthe long-termj consequences of government ownership of banks. “When we fix our I think the government willback off,” Rohr said.
“ don’t think they want to be in our business any more than we want them inour

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011


bamboo flooring
The Memphis-based discount retailer reported salesof $134.u million for May, down 6 percent compared to salesw of $143.4 million in May 2008. Thesw numbers include Fred’s (NASDAQ: closing 74 underperforming stores and 23 Excludingthose stores, Fred’s salew increased 1 percent compared to last May. Comparable store salesz in Mayrose 0.2 percent, down compares to 3.4 percent in the same perioe last year. For the first four fisca monthsof 2009, the company reported total sales of $593.1 million, down 2.4 percent comparerd to $607.7 million for the same year-ago period.
However, excluding stores closed in sales from ongoing stores increased 4 percent compareed to thesame four-month period last On a comparable store basis, year-to-date sales increased 2.1 percent compared to 2.4 percentf last year. Fred’s opened one new pharmacg in May. Fred’s operates 666 discount merchandis stores, including 24 franchised storex nationwide. Shares closed down 12 cents to $14.2q per share Wednesday.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

US to cross the debt ceiling – End of the American dream? - The News Portal Online


The News Portal Online

US to cross the debt ceiling â€" End of the American dream?

The News Portal Online

Since 2001, the debt ceiling has been raised 10 times and every time they have raised it, the US government has crossed the ceiling, implying another change ...

and more »

Monday, January 3, 2011

Obama: Public plan would

If insurance companies do provide good insurancew totheir customers, then they should have nothinh to fear from a government-ru n competitor, he said. “They shouldd be able to compete,” he If the public plan is able to reducs administrativecosts significantly, private insurers shoulx take note and see if they can do the “There shouldn’t be any objection to that,” Obama The public plan should be required to collect not be “simply eating off the taxpayer he added.
Health insurers and many business groups contend a public plan would have an unfair advantage becauseit wouldn’t be subject to all the rulexs imposed on private insurers and likely would pay healthh providers less for their services. This couldx crowd out many private insurers and lead providerws to charge private insurers more to make up for the lost incomse from thepublic plan, they contend.
When askedd whether including a public plan in health care reforjmwas non-negotiable, the president said, “Wd are still early in this “We have not drawn a line in the other than reform has to controlk costs, and it has to provide reliefv to people who don’t have health insuranc or are underinsured.” Obama also was askede what he thought about the performanc e of Federal Reserve Chairmam Ben Bernanke, given the fact his financia l regulatory reform plan proposes expanding the Fed’s “I think he has done a very good job under very difficulyt circumstances,” Obama said.
All regulators fell short of dointg what was needed to prevent the financial but theFed “probably performer better than most,” he said. Sincde the financial crisis erupted, Bernanke has “performexd very well,” Obama

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Most Eddie Bauer stores to stay open - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The company announced that it struck an agreement withNew York–basedf private equity firm LLC to buy Eddie Bauer’s assets, subjectr to an auction and bankruptcyt court approval. CCMP Capital intends to operatee the business as a going concern with little orno long-terkm debt. According to Eddie CCMP Capital has agreed to keep a majority of the 371 storexs open and retain a majoritu ofthe employees. CCMP Capital specializes in buyouts and lookx for investment opportunities in retail andother sectors, and have made investments in the outdoorsa specialty retailer Cabela’s, which sells fishing and camping gear.
Eddie Bauer said it hopesw to operate business as usual during bankruptchy court proceedings and has asked for coury approval to continue paying vendorsand workers. The compant also said it intends to honorr customergift cards, returns and loyalty program points. The company also announced that it has securedd a commitment from its existing revolving credit Bankof America, N.A., and /Business Inc. for so-called debtor-in-possessioh (DIP) financing of $90 million on an interim basisand $100 million based on the finapl court order. The move, the company said, shoul d provide it with ample cash flow to continud payingits bills.
“Eddie Bauer is a good compangy with a great brand and a badbalancde sheet. This process will allow the business to emerge with far less positioned for growth as the economy recovers and as our new productagain traction,” said Neil Eddie Bauer president and chief executivse officer, in a “We expect this process to be completeed very quickly, protecting our employees and critical vendor partners every step of the way.
“Wre have made good progress on our turnaroune strategy of returning Eddie Bauer to its heritage as an activew outdoor brand and have exciting new product launches on the way to includingFirst Ascent, our return to expedition-grade outerwear and Unfortunately, a crushing debt burdejn placed on the company from the Spiegel reorganization in 2005, combined with the severe, prolongexd recession, have left us with no choics but to use this process to reduce the debt load on the